Know when the fertile period of men is
Know when the fertile period of men is
Fertility of a man lasts up to 60 years of age. However, in some males with better health and lifestyle, the fertility can extend up to few more years. But generally, it is seen that an average male has fertility from 18 years to 60 years.
During this period, the fertility remains constant unlike women. The male has no periodical change in fertility like women, who are fertile only during certain days of a month. The problem comes only when a male is not able to get an erection for sexual intercourse. There are medicines like viagra 150 mg doses to overcome erection issue. But a desire and sexual energy are two factors that help a man to get benefits from a medicine.
Fertility period duration
The age at which sexual organ start developing and are capable of producing sperm is 12-13 years after birth. It is another thing, which a boy of this age may not experience any desire or emotional change, but his body is developing the sexual organs.
Normally, this process of development of the sexual organ continues uninterrupted. The fertility peaks in mid 20s to mid 40s, when a strong desire remains for sexual intercourse. However, the production of hormones for sexual growth decline in 50s. It leads to reduced demand for sex and physical intimacy.
Then comes the period known as andro pause between 50 and 60 years of age. This period is a decline for sexual life for majority of males. Production of testosterone decreases and there is chance of reversal of the trend.
A healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle only extend the period beyond a couple of years, but the trend is not reversible.
Erectile dysfunction cases occur only in productive age
The cases of erectile dysfunction among males occur when there is desire for sexual intercourse, but erection is defective. It is important to note the some lifestyle issues in mid years of life can hasten the erectile issues. A younger man with diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol issue faces the chances of erectile dysfunction early in life.
But there is age factor and desire factor. In younger days, desire for sexual intercourse helps you to get full support from erectile dysfunction drugs. A stronger doses levitra 60 mg overcome erectile issue within half an hour. Being a stronger dose it gives an erection with few side- effects. Some males use drugs to extend period in bed by extending intercourse time.
Fertility remains after decline of erection
Fertility in males may remain until late 60s as the sperm production remains intact. Only the testosterone production declines, which does not much affect the capacity to pregnant a lady.
Need to evaluate fertility
You generally do not need to take medical tests to determine your fertility. You know that desire for sex has declined. You also know that there is no need for sexual intercourses and you do not have the ability to maintain the erection for completion of sexual intercourse. The use of erectile dysfunction medicines will not improve testosterone production or desire for sex. A higher medicine like Cialis 60 mg online is for severe case of erectile dysfunction. It is no way improves desire for sex. You need a desire to get the benefit from a medicine. There will be no erection automatically. Sexual stimulation is a must factor in erection.
Steps to evaluate fertility
Some laboratory tests are concerned to determine the fertility. These include viscosity, ph, motility of sperm, production of sperms and concentration of sperm. It is not done by an average male. However, in cases when a male is not able to pregnant his partner, the need for such tests come up.
Infertility is different from erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is lack of a hard erection. It can happen to a man who is married, has children and have had a successful sexual life. Ageing often causes some form of erectile dysfunction. The medicines are the answer to erectile issue. Generic medicines like Cenforce 200 mg also are effective in these cases. But infertility is lack of ability to make the partner pregnant. It can be from the birth. The erectile dysfunction medicines are cannot cure infertility. It needs comprehensive medical checkup and treatment.