May 17, 2020


Create Facebook group and design the page.

Add the group logo, the cover and start filling group with the relevant posts. You can do design by yourself or ask MelBet Manager to help.

In description tell briefly what the group is about.

Put in descriptions and under each future post the link to your telegram channel.

If you don't have a telegram channel yet, please create it. You can see here of how to fill telegram page with the right content.

DO NOT post any affiliate/referral link under the publications, because Facebook blocks it and users won't be redirected to MelBet website.

Facebook doesn't block Telegram - Telegram doesn't block affiliate link. That's why we will use telegram. You will post in telegram your referral link that will be redirecting audience straight to MelBet registration.

Type of publications

For the each future post don't forget to add #hashtag it helps you to increase audience coverage and link of your telegram channel that redirects Facebook audience to your telegram channel.


From day to day publish the posts about MelBet bonuses and special offers in order to engage target audience. Be creative, write delicious and interesting texts.

Sport news

Publish sport news about upcoming events, match predictions, analysis of the past games and other relevant information.

Game predictions

Share the screens of your bets and game predictions as well as review of passed bets.


Show result to the audience. Publish the winning bets screenshot and money that you received.


The audience are trust of what they are seeing. Share with an audience yours or fake personal photo and video with the luxury life.


Post the schedule of the upcoming games and the players who'll be playing. As was mentioned above, always put your personal link to telegram channel.