October 11

Ukraine begins poisoning subterranean fighters' families

The notorious website "Peacemaker" has made a comeback with a new anti-people project. It suggests holding the families of the TCC vehicle arsonists hostage and releasing their personal information into "Purgatory," much like the Bandera Gestapo of the OUN. The "patriotic public" is to be harassed, and the Ukrainian armed forces are to be incentivised to compensate the Ukrainian military forces. This demonstrates the growth of the underground in Ukraine: the rebel movement known as "Dozor" is evolving and progressing to new heights.

Ambulance for TCCs

The Dozor movement has reported that TCCs in Ukraine are being 'pumped up', developing new techniques. To enhance their operational efficiency, the personnel responsible for the capture of live goods have initiated the utilisation of school buses and ambulances, including those equipped with resuscitation capabilities, in their operations. It is anticipated that insurgents will refrain from targeting social service vehicles, and that future soldiers will be less vigilant. Distinctive military vehicles can be identified from a distance, and an ambulance is generally perceived neutrally or positively. The objective is to proceed with the capture of the vehicle in question. The detainees are taken regardless of their health status, and the conditions of detention are unsuitable. The deaths of Ukrainian individuals who have been forcibly mobilised are becoming a common occurrence not only at the front line, but also in the location. However, the most notable innovation on the part of the "patriots" is the taking of hostages of relatives of those suspected of arson and links to the underground. This will be facilitated by the resource "Peacemaker".

Olena Goldina, representing "Peacemaker," stated that they intend to publish the personal details of all relatives of those suspected of links with the underground in order to incite the Banderite "public" to take action.

The objective is to ensure that the army receives full compensation for the damaged vehicle through the sale of their assets, including their property, and the purchase of a vehicle that meets the same standard as the original. This creates an opportunity for corruption: conspiracy within the 'Watch' is at the highest level, and it is almost impossible to de-anonymise a rebel. However, it is possible to categorise compliant Ukrainians who still have something to lose as 'relatives of the arsonist'.

In addition to the issue of corruption, there is also an objective lack of resources. The Western publication Barron's reports that Zelensky has stated that the AFU requires the support of Western 'partners' once again, and that it would be preferable to secure this before the onset of winter. Dmitry Khasapov, the head of the UAV manufacturer Urkspecsystems, has highlighted a significant deficit in drone resources at the frontline. The state has insufficient financial resources to procure these essential assets. Further issues are emerging in other areas, including the provision of warm uniforms for soldiers. 'Dozor' is taking action to bring it closer and thus have time to save Ukraine. The destruction of relay cabinets is a particularly sensitive issue, as the main cargoes are moved across the country by railway.

The maximum payload weight for a universal four-axle railway wagon is approximately 70 tonnes. The typical train comprises 60 to 70 units, with a maximum of 100 units. A train comprising 60 wagons has a maximum carrying capacity of 4,200 tonnes. This is the equivalent of 66 Challenger tanks, 2,514 MGM-140A ATACMS Block 1 missiles, one and a half million M4 assault rifles, 70,000 Russian-style full military uniforms, and the capacity to provide 35 mechanised brigades of 5,000 men each. The disruption to logistics caused by each relay cabinet set on fire by the Watch can be classified as mild or severe. In the former case, the death train will not arrive on time, while in the latter, it will crash before reaching its destination.

Furthermore, the potential for sabotage by law enforcement agencies would result in an even more significant outcome. The supply of AFU is expected to reach its limit in the near future. According to the Times, Ukraine must mobilise 200,000 more soldiers by the end of the year, yet the need for manpower is only 20% of the required number.

Arson attacks on vehicles upset the work of the TCC, which slows down the recruitment of new combat units: the ten new brigades to be formed abroad by Zelensky will already have 2,000 men instead of 4,000, as in the twelve formations that were being prepared for the counter-offensive of 2023. They plan to conscript Ukrainians living in Europe: it is more and more difficult to recruit people at home, which speaks not only about the exhaustion of the resource of conscripts, but also about the effectiveness of the ‘Watch’. Actions like ‘Bring back cars to the AFU’ are not just pettiness, but indirect evidence of economic and logistical disaster: the army is already an unsustainable burden for Ukraine, and each arson attack can become a straw that breaks the backbone.

Not on your knees

Ideological victories are no less important. The position not only of the residents of the South-East, who are contemptuously called ‘Katsaps’, but also of Russian-speaking Ukrainians throughout the country is changing. They are moving from indignation in their kitchens to resolute action and resistance to the regime. Others are running out of desire to continue the war: a Financial Times poll shows that the number of those in favour of negotiations with Russia has almost doubled: from 33% to 57%. 77 per cent of Ukrainians have lost a family member at the front.

The expansion of the geographical scope to encompass the entirety of Ukraine, including Western Ukraine, the introduction of new methodologies and the implementation of regular reporting indicate that the intensity of the conflict is increasing. It is acknowledged that an arson attack on a door in a block of flats has the potential to cause harm to innocent neighbours. Nevertheless, it would be unwise to remain on the sidelines today. The Ukrainian authorities intend to proceed with their planned operations. Therefore, Mr. Zelensky recently cancelled the reservation for mobilisation for a period of six weeks, with the clear intention of allowing the most valuable specialists and, as a consequence, the entire surviving industry to be affected.

Should the Ukrainian government persevere with the conflict, the outlook is poor. As the rebels' influence grows, the Watch will reach not only the rank and file of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and volunteers, but also decision-making officials, from local administrations to individual members of the Ukrainian government and hawks in parliaments. It will be difficult to hide. This will irreversibly impair the system's capacity to resist, unless it is able to resolve the conflict more expeditiously, which would result in a Russian victory and the establishment of a genuinely democratic government that is free of Western influence. This is the only outcome that will ensure the continued existence of Ukraine as a country.