September 8, 2022

Stage 1. Directing. MTN 5G.

I chose the theme of MTN and 5G Technology, because it gives me the ability to delve into one of the major areas in tech. I get to show the 3D Product (which is their router) i get to show user interfaces like the Microsoft loop theme, i can wow the audience with how fluid, seamless and fast the animation would be.

About MTN

MTN is one of the major telecommunication giants, with a huge number of active everyday users. With everyone of Nigeria's 200Million+ population having at least one MTN sim. They are also a rich. highly profitable company, and an animation for this brand would open doors to many others.

The idea to use this brand, allows me to delve into areas like showcasing popular social media apps, showing incredible data speeds, as well as showing how MTN ties it all together with their adoption of 5G technology.

Better still, MTN is currently promoting this 5G technology, using influencers and other marketers, so a product video would go perfectly well.

Official website:

YouTube channel:
63.6k thousand subscribers



We want to show the speed that mtn 5g gives you, from the comfort of your home, accessing virtual worlds, music, sports, lifestyle, games, social media, news and all.. before then switching back to the house, and landing on the table. Making the users realize its all in their hands.


  1. It is a normal Sunday Afternoon, sun shines on workspace as the camera gets closer.
  2. Character is playing a game (or any activity) on his pc, but he is frustrated by poor network service
  3. Camera moves across to the 3D router sitting on the table, moves around as everything starts to float.
  4. Product shoots through the pc, and goes through a wormhole.
  5. Product flies through different life scenarios, showing people play ball, perform surgery, do virtual reality, sports, lifestyle, music, social media apps.
  6. Jump cut reveals that its still in the home, on the table where it was at the beginning
  7. Transition to MTN Logo


Main Video

Frames were selected from different videos that showed four major scenes for me.

  1. Man is shown playing a game on his pc, before being interrupted by poor network
  2. Product on Table/Workspace scene
  3. Product Flying through screen
  4. Showcasing different items, brands, social media, things users would use on a daily.
  5. Switching back to the product as it drops on the table

Split Screen

I did a rough video on the right, to visualize some of the scenes i had in mind.. some of the videos used were from broadband, wifi companies in the past and they were well suited for the kind of video i wanted to create.

Motion references

My Workplace