August 16, 2021

How to Fix HP Printer Error Code 0xc00000f on Windows?

How to Fix HP Printer Error Code 0xc00000f on Windows?

Fix Error 0xc00000f Cannot Set Default HP Printer on Windows .This is most likely if your Windows does not have the HP Printer set as the default printer. Another possibility is that the gadget is not properly linked to the network. A large number of Windows users are experiencing this problem and are unable to resolve it.

1.       Disable your printer's automatic management in Windows.

You may easily resolve the issue by disabling your printer's Automatic Management. The following is the procedure for accomplishing this:

·         Navigate to the Window icon, then search for and enter the Settings area. In the Settings menu, look for the "Devices" icon and choose it.

·         Next, on the left-hand side, you will see a menu; select “Printers & Scanners” from the list.

·         You will find the statement “Let Windows manage my default printer” under the Printer and Scanner section; switch to the off condition and continue.

·         Finally, close all applications and files operating on your Windows and restart the system once to see if there is a difference and to check for the Error 0xc00000f Cannot Set Default HP Printer.

2.        Manually set the HP printer as the Windows default printer.

You can error code 0xc00000f fix by manually adjusting the settings. Underneath is some advice:

·         Start the computer and navigate to the Control Panel.

·         Tap on Hardware and Sound, then select “Devices and Printers” from the drop-down menu.

·         A list of printers will appear on your PC screen. Right-click on the printer you want to use as your default printer and select Properties. Choose “Set as a Default Printer” from the drop-down menu.

·         Finally, restart your operating system and check to see if the error has been resolved. Proceed to the next way of solution.

3.       Restore the Windows Registry

The following steps will assist you through the process of repairing the Windows registry:

·         To begin, type “Regedit” into your Windows search box and press the “Enter” key.

·         Then, look for the registry key HKEY CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWindows.

·         After pressing the aforementioned key, a selection of alternatives will show on the left side of the computer screen.

·         As a result, right-click on Windows and select the “Permissions” option.

·         Choose an “Administrator account” from the Group or user names section and click the box next to Full Control.

·         Select Apply, then OK.

·         Then, on the right window screen, choose the Windows registry entry, and then double-click on the Device key.

·         Enter the name of your printer in the Value data area, and then click OK.

4.       Make a New User Account

·         Turn on the computer first, then type and search for "netplwiz" and click the "OK" tab to establish a new user account.

·         Then, hit the “Add” button to create a new user account, and then press the “OK” button.

·         Next, on the How will this individual sign in tab, click “Sign in” without a Microsoft account.

·         After that, you'll see two sign-in options: one from a Microsoft account and one from a local account.

·         You must select the Local account option, which is located at the bottom.

·         After clicking on that, you will be taken to the forms where you must provide the necessary information.

·         Put in your user name and password and move on to the next step. Just bear in mind to leave the Password hint field empty and not insert anything.


1.       Why can't my HP printer print more than one page?

You may have attempted to print a multi-page document, but Printer Only Prints One Page Then Stops Delivering Printouts. However, various variables are to blame for this issue. Here are a few examples:

·         As a result of document incompatibility.

·         Mopier Mode is most likely activated.

·         When the Collate option is enabled, you may encounter a similar issue.

2.       What exactly is the HP Printer 59.F0 Error?

An HP Printer 59.F0 Error indicates that there is an issue with the printer's internal motor. The error code 59.0 comes as a result of a transfer alienation failure. The failure of transfer alienation, on the other hand, primarily indicates that the ITB (Intermediate Transfer Belt) is stopped somewhere and cannot rotate.

3.       What's the deal with my HP printer only printing half a page?

Ink cartridges are actual printer hardware that plays an important role in producing high-quality printouts. As a result, when the colour/black ink cartridges are empty or, more often, low, the HP Printer Printing Half Page problem may occur. However, it is frequently seen that the bottom of the page is not printed. This irritates you, therefore you may require immediate solution guidance. As a result, you will be assisted here!

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