February 19, 2021

The Basics of Mobile SEO Strategy 101

With the growing number of mobile users, mobile searches are also increasing rapidly. That’s why you need to shift your focus more towards mobile SEO strategy. What exactly is a mobile SEO strategy? And how can you build one?

Mobile SEO is basically the practice of website optimization for your website on smartphones and tablets. Mobile optimization also comprises making website resources visible to search engine spiders.

Why should you worry about mobile SEO strategy anyway? This is because 57% of Google searches are now being made on mobile phones. Here are a few tips for making a great mobile SEO strategy to boost your site instantly:

  1. Improvement in the website’s load time.
  2. Integrating responsive web design.
  3. Make the website user-friendly.
  4. Optimize the site with local SEO (include terms like ‘near me’ 3-4 times).
    Build a separate mobile URL.
  5. Work on Title tags and Meta description (use relevant keywords there).
    Create content that is mobile-friendly; keeping 2-3 lines in one paragraph, adding more photos, and videos, etc.

Mobile SEO is a crucial part of ensuring your business growth online. SEO helps in expanding your business organically online. For ensuring effective SEO, you must focus on building a good mobile SEO strategy. It makes your leads engaged and aligned to your business.

If you are unable to form a good mobile SEO strategy by yourself then, consider taking an expert’s help. But don’t ignore mobile SEO if you genuinely want to expand your business reach online. Connect with us to know more, and get expert advice on mobile SEO strategy.