April 7, 2021

Notice Writing Format, Notice Writing Topics, and Notice Writing Examples

What is a notice?

What is Notice Writing - A notice is a written or printed announcement (Example - a notice for sale). It is written in order to inform a large number of people about something that has happened or is about to happen.

It could be an upcoming event, competition, Lost, and found notice or just a piece of information to be delivered to the targeted audience. It is generally written in a formal tone.

Notices are factual and to-the-point. The language used is simple and formal, not flowery. They are put up on display boards in schools or in public places.

Let us discuss Notice Writing, how to write a notice in English. As a question on notice writing is a part of English writing skills for Classes 6 to 12. The Notice Writing Format is as follows-

Purpose of the Social Notice
As mentioned above, that notice aims to remind someone or a group of people to pay attention. From what purpose, notices can be divided into several groups:
a. To give instruction
b. To give direction
c. To ask people to…
d. To give advice ... (to encourage people to ...)
e. To remind people to…
f. To give warning
g. To prohibit people to…

Format for Notice writing

A notice should contain all the necessary details such as:

  1. Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)
  2. Date of issue/release of the notice
  3. Title/Subject of the Event (what?)
  4. BODY-Date/time/duration/Place/Venue (when and where?)
  5. Authorized signatory: Name and signature (contact details)

Name of the issuing agency/authority
Date of issue/Release of the notice

Title/Subject of the Event


Authorized signatory
(Name, Designation and signature)

Format of Notice - image

Notice Writing Topics

Notice Writing Topics - A Notice can be written for various reasons. The format of notice writing remains the same in all cases. Here is a list of topics for notice writing that students must prepare-

  1. A competition
  2. An excursion trip
  3. A lost and found notice
  4. An inauguration to take place
  5. An exhibition
  6. A blood donation camp to be held

Or any such type of event or information to be issued in public interest.

Notice writing Class 12

Notice writing Class 12 -In the class 12 CBSE examination, choices will be given to attempt any one question out of the given two Short Answer Questions (4 marks each) based on any of the following –

  1. Notice writing
  2. Poster writing
  3. Formal and informal invitation and reply writing.
  4. Advertisement writing

Notice Writing Class 12 - Marks Breakup

The breakup of 4 marks for class 12 English writing skills - notice writing as per CBSE guidelines is as follows:


01 mark


02 marks


O1 mark


04 marks

Notice writing Tips

Please follow the given tips while attempting a question based on Notice writing format for Class 12 English writing skills paper -

  1. Do not cross the word limit to avoid the penalty of marks. The prescribed word limit is 50 words.
  2. Repetition of any information should be avoided.
  3. Always enclose the notice in a box. Make sure you draw the box with a pencil.
  4. Keep your notice short, crisp and to-the-point.
  5. Highlight the word “NOTICE” and “TITLE”. It can be either bold or underlined.
  6. The title should be captivating and eye-catching.
  7. Don’t make hypothetical information and facts. Make use of what’s given in the question.
  8. Make sure you do not mention your personal information.
  9. Make use of all the available information in the question.
  10. Your answer shall include answers to all the 5 W’s – What, Why, When, Where and Who.
  11. The purpose for which it is being written should be stated clearly.
  12. Focus on presentation and clarity.

Notice Writing Examples

Notice Writing Examples - Here we will see questions for notice writing that are asked in exams. Students can take help of these solved questions and examples of notice writing format.

Notice Writing Samples

Question 1: Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of March for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.
(CBSE 2016)


Janata Group Housing Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool.
March 01, 201X
This notice is to inform all the residents regarding the suspension of water supply for 8 hours. It is being done to clean the water tank. The details are as follows:
DATE- March 6
TIME- 10am – 6 pm
Thus, we request you to store the required amount of water beforehand to minimise the difficulty. Thank you

Karan Kumar/ Karuna Bajaj


[Any other relevant title]
– what - suspension of water supply for 8 hours
– when - 6th March; 10am – 6pm
– where - Society
– reasons for cut - cleaning of water tank
– steps to be taken - store water
– any other relevant details

Notice writing on Lost and Found

Question 2: While walking in a park in your neighbourhood you found a small plastic bag containing some documents and some cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You are Amar/Amrita 9399123456.
(CBSE 2017)


March 01, 20XX
This is to inform all the readers that a plastic bag has been found in the neighbourhood park. It has a few documents and some cash in it. The plastic bag is red in colour and is medium-sized. It was found on February 27, at around 6pm near the fountain in the park. The owner of the bag shall contact me on 9399123456 along with an identity proof. Thank you


Heading : [LOST & FOUND / FOUND / any other relevant title]
-What - plastic bag with documents and cash
-When – date & approx. time
-Where - park
-description of bag- colour, material, size -owner to claim with identifying details -Contact details- AMAR/ AMRITA -Phone no. - 9399123456
(any other relevant detail)

Question 3: You are Asma/Ashish, the head girl/boy of XYZ international school. Your school is soon going to publish the annual magazine next month. Write a notice for the notice board of your school inviting students to submit write-ups.


March 01,2019
This is to inform all the students that our school is going to publish its annual magazine next month. All those who wish to contribute can mail their entries to [email protected]. Write-ups will be accepted latest by March 30,2019 till 11:59 pm. You can take any topic of your choice. For further information, contact your respective class teachers.
Thank you

Head Girl/Head Boy

Question 4: You are Ruhi/Rahul, head girl/boy of ABC convent school. Your school is going to organize an inter-school singing competition. Write a notice for your school notice board inviting names of all the interested students.


March 01,2019

Our school is organising an Inter-school Singing Competition on March 19, 2019; Tuesday at 12pm in the school auditorium. More than 20 schools from all over the city will participate. Interested students may contact the undersigned latest by March 10, 2019.

Head girl/boy


Notice Reading Structure
A notice writing structure is usually referred to as a Generic Structure. What elements must be present in a notice text, including:
1. Attention gather (optional): the introductory word for emphasis to be paid attention
2. Information: Things that must be considered as the content of the text
3. Closure (optional): Cover which is optional, may or may not be printed.

Characteristics of the Language Notice
This feature is usually called a linguistic feature. What are the linguistic features of either grammar or other grammar that are usually shown in a notice.
1. Using imperative sentences, namely command sentences that begin with a verb / verb

Get Out!
2. Use prohibitive forms, namely prohibited sentences in English.

Don't ..
No ...
Never ..
Type of Notice in English
Based on the intent and purpose of a notice, these types of warning text can then be grouped into several models:

1. Notice in the form of directions or instructions.
This notice can be in the form of a command sentence, invitation, advice, direction, or hint. Some of the frequently used words:

can / may: may
must / have to: must
should: should, should
allowed / permitted / let: allowed
suggested / recommended: recommended
asked / hoped: asked / expected
2. Notice in the form of prohibition.
This notice is in the form of a prohibited sentence, (No, Don't, Never), or in the form of an image marked with a slash or a cross. Some of the frequently used words:

can't / may not / must not: can't
forbidden / banned / prohibited: prohibited
not allowed / not permitted: not allowed
not suggested / not recommended: not recommended
Don't be noisy: Don't get crowded
No parking: No parking
never speak up: don't speak
3. Command
Command is an command whose function is to give commands for the reader to do something.

Keep The Door Closed
Slow Down!
Keep the Room Clean
4. Caution
Caution is a notice whose function is to make readers pay attention or be careful about something

CAUTION! wet floor
5. Information
Notice whose function is to provide information to readers

For Staff Only
Rest Area
Bike Route
Examples of Notice

Examples of Notice

Keep the Room Clean
1. What does the Notice mean?
A. Do not throw rubbish in the room
B. Do not sleep in the room
C. Do not destroy everything in the room
D. Do not speak in the room

Warning. Jack’s room. Keep out!
2. What does the Notice mean?
A. We are allowed to enter to Jack?s room
B. We are not allowed to enter Jack’s room
C. Jack welcomes us to enter to his room
D. Jack will be happy if we enter to his room

2. On whose door is the notice put?
A. Jack’s
B. John’s
C. Don’s
D. Dave’s

Please return all books when you have finished using them!
3. Where can you find the notice below?
A. At school
B. In library
C. In a room
D. At college

4. What is the communicative purpose of the Notice above?
A. To give command
B. To prohibit someone
C. To warn someone
D. to give advice

All visitors must register at office
5. What will the people do after reading this Notice?
A. The visitor should register people in the office
B. The visitors should go to the front office to inform their coming
C. The office will not accept the visitors
D. The visitors can enter the office without registration

Shoplifters will be prosecuted
6. Which of the following sentences explain the sign above best?
A. The shoplifters are welcome
B. The shop is only for the shoplifter
C. If you steal any of the articles you should pay for it
D. If you steal any articles, the police will arrest you

No children under 14 without adult supervision
7. What does the notice?
A. Only adult can use it
B. Only a supervisor can use it
C. When children use it, they must be supervised by an adult
D. A supervisor needs to be employed

Notice. No food or drink allowed in this refrigerator.
8. Which statement is TRUE based on the notice?
A. We can keep a bottle of milk in the refrigerator
B. The refrigerator is not for food and drink except vegetables
C. We can store the medicine in the refrigerator
D. There are no food and drink in the refrigerator

Caution. Avoid direct contact!
9. What should you do if you see the Notice below?
A. You should contact the director of the company
B. You should avoid the director
C. You should directly do physical contact
D. You shouldn’t do physical contact

Don’t use this toilet! It’s being repaired. Thank you.
10. What should we do after reading the notice?
A. Keep the toilet clean
B. Help repair the toilet
C. Use the toilet on purpose
D. Use another toilet

Please be aware of the strong tides!
11. Where can we read such warning?
A. At the beach
B. In a swamp
C. At the lake side
D. In a water park

Food waste for composting. No plastic. No Styrofoam. No Coffee cups or wax paper
12. The word waste has the same meaning as…
A. Rubbish
B. Poison
C. Vegetable
D. Wax

13. The word “composting” has the same meaning as …
A. Damaging
B. Fertilizing
C. Throwing
D. Wasting

Do not spray into the eyes!
14. From the text we know that ….
A. We must not use the product
B. We cannot spray the product everywhere
C. We can spray the product into our eyes
D. We must not spray the product into our eyes

Fragile materials. Please do not drop!
15. Where can we see this warning?
A. On a box
B. In a room
C. On a table
D. On a house roof

All pets must be on leash
16. Where do you usually find the sign?
A. At the park
B. At home
C. At school
D. In the supermarket

Don’t touch the wire! It may cause electric shock.
17. What is the caution about?
A. Telling people to plug in the wire
B. Forbidding people to touch the wire
C. Explaining why the wire is dangerous
D. Telling people how to connect the wire

18. “It may cause electric shock.” The word “cause” means ….
A. Evoke
B. Launch
C. Protect
D. Smoothen

Let’s Maintain Hygiene! Wash hands before and after eating!
19. What is the notice about?
A. An order to keep clean
B. An invitation to clean one’s hands
C. An appeal to maintain hygiene
D. An appeal to have a clean environment

20. Where would you read the notice?
A. In a canteen
B. In a teacher’s office
C. In a classroom
D. At a library

Recording the film is prohibited. It is considered piracy. Piracy is a crime
21. What mustn’t we do according to the warning?
A. Watch the film
B. Record the film
C. Enter the movies calmly
D. Not to sit in the alley

22. Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. At the railway station
B. At a bus station
C. At a station wagon
D. At a petrol station

23. The text above means that we … turn off the laser in emergency
A. are not allowed to
B. are forbidden to
C. have to
D. may

FOOD STORAGE ONLY. No Chemicals In This Unit
24. What does the text mean?
A. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here
B. We have to add chemical materials on food
C. We can put chemicals in the store room
D. We can only put food in the unit

25. Where do we usually find the text?
A. At the lake
B. At the beach
C. At the river bank
D. At the swimming pool

26. What is the text about?
A. A warning at a zoo
B. A notice for the visitor
C. A prohibition to feed the animals
D. A suggestion to feed the animals