May 27, 2021

"New challenges and further improvement of the business climate in Uzbekistan: tax, customs and other measures"

The Ministry of Finance plans to hold a virtual round table on June 2 this year on the topic: "New challenges and further improvement of the business climate in Uzbekistan: tax, customs and other measures".
The purpose of the virtual round table is to develop proposals for further improving the business climate through the implementation of tax and customs policies, as well as other measures.
The virtual round table is planned to consist of two panel sessions. The first one is devoted to the analysis of the impact of tax and customs policy measures on the business climate in Uzbekistan. Will be discussed:
- existing problems of investors in the field of tax and customs legislation;
- use of tax and customs policy tools to increase investment;
- introduction of new methods of tax and customs administration aimed at simplifying compliance with tax requirements, optimizing customs procedures.

Don't miss the Virtual Round Table! Register using the link