September 3, 2020

Network marketing

If you think you have a good leadership qualities !

If you think your communication skill is very powerful !

Then you are a perfect model for motivating or people for making your own industry in network marketing or Multi level marketing .

Multi level marketing is the well thought philosophical process. For marketing of goods and services but sometimes it will make a negative image in society because of some schemes and scam companies which have only mindset to make people fool and fly away.
Network marketing is the way of marketing where people connected to each other like a peramid structure for selling products. Every member connected to this chain is a independent self representative. This marketing has more benifits than other types of marketing because every representative got commision after selling product or another member member in your team sale's a product then he will get the commission as well as you will also get commision from that.

Network Marketing also known as :-

  • Multi level marketing
  • Cellular marketing
  • Referral marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing