April 30, 2021

Different Indoor and Outdoor Usage of Tiles

During a home or office construction, you have a lot of options when it comes to flooring. Though there are options like wood, vinyl, slate, and carpet, tile supersedes them all. Besides being cost-effective and attractive, tiles for rooms are easy to install. Not only that, you can use tiles in the terrace and parking areas too. Read on this blog to know the variety of usages of tile in both indoor and outdoor. But first, here are some of the top benefits of using tiles. 

Perks of Using Tiles

Durable: If you are looking for durability, then tiles should be your top choice for flooring. Tiles are resilient to wear and should last for years. You can also install it in areas like a parking lot or hall room where you have heavy footfall.

Cost-Effective: Once you calculate the purchase and installation cost with the longevity and minimum maintenance cost, you will find that tile is a cost-effective flooring option. In fact, it is one of the cheapest flooring surfaces currently available. However, you can also opt for the high-end tiles that are expensive.

Environment-Friendly: After installing tiles in your home and rooftop, your house will remain chilled during summer and warm during winter. Thus, it will reduce your dependency on AC or heater. Ultimately, this will allow you to use less energy which is good for the environment.

Beneficial to Health: If you have any family member with allergy, asthma, or any other respiratory disease, you should not think twice about choosing tiles. Unlike vinyl and carpet, tile does not contain any VOC (volatile organic compounds) that can often cause a wide range of health problems.

Water-Resistant: Tile comes with a layer on its surface that protects it from water damage. For this reason, it is used in areas like the kitchen and bathroom that tend to remain wet most of the time. Tile is also humidity-resistant and keeps all kinds of stains away.

Low-Maintenance: Tiles floors and walls will require you to clean them regularly. Thus, they will always look new without any additional maintenance. You have to apply sealer every four or five years so that the tiles last for many years.

Indoor and Outdoor Areas Where You Can Use Tiles

Office Floorings: Tiles play a crucial role in creating a relaxed and comfortable environment in the office complex. Using the tiles of the right color and design, you can positively impact the productivity of the team members. Also, you can create an inviting environment for the guests and visitors. 

Bedroom Floor: The bedroom floor is the first area you step on after waking up in the morning. You can use tiles of suitable texture and finish for this intimate and comforting space of your home.

Bedroom Wall behind the Bed: Another exceptional use of designer tiles is on the wall located behind the bed. Instead of hanging a painting on the wall or having wallpaper there, you can install tiles of various shapes and designs. Besides highlighting the wall, the tiles will offer a rejuvenating look to your room. 

Bathroom Wall and Floor: Tile is the best option for the bathroom wall and floor due to its qualities such as water-resistant and non-slippery. Since tiles are non-porous, they can withstand harsh chemicals. You can also easily maintain bathrooms with tiles without much effort.

Terrace Floor: No matter how harsh the weather condition of your locality is, tiles installed terrace can protect your home. As the tiles are heat and moisture resistant, these will safeguard the house in all seasons. Compared to other roofing materials, tiles can significantly reduce noise and ensure a peaceful living.

Parking Area: Before entering your home or office, visitors will come across the parking lot. Thanks to the latest heavy-duty tiles, you can now install them in your parking to get the same spectacular look as your home/office. While choosing tiles for your parking area, make sure they are robust, non-slippery, and suitable for heavy footfall. 

Behind the Wardrobe: The use of tiles is not limited to floors and walls of different home and office areas. Many people are opting for tiles installation at the back of their wardrobe. Compared to the traditional wardrobe, modern wardrobes with tiles background save your precious clothes from termite and moisture, even in the monsoon.


Tile is one of the most popular flooring choices of the present time. The blog discussed its scope of use along with its benefits. Whether it is your home, office complex, or commercial space, you can opt for tiles over other options without any second thought.