March 4, 2020

How to cancel LinkedIn’s premium subscription

LinkedIn Premium has four modules; each helps you land more sales leads, connect with industry leaders, help recruit employees and further help in growing the network.

If users cancel their premium subscription and return to the free basic account, they will still retain their profile, connections and other data. However, they will lose access to premium features like InMail, premium insights on career and job postings, LinkedIn Pages, and the full list of Who’s viewed my profile.

They may also encounter LinkedIn’s limit on commercial use.

If users sign up for a free trial and then cancel it, they will not be eligible to sign up for another free trial for at least 12 months (i.e. a year).

This is how LinkedIn users can cancel their premium subscription:

·         Click the ‘Me’ icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

·         Select Premium subscription settings from the dropdown.

·         Under Manage Premium account on the right rail, click cancel subscription.

·         Click continue to cancel.


Users can cancel your subscription through the iTunes app on your iOS device. It must be noted that LinkedIn cannot cancel premium subscriptions purchased through the LinkedIn for the iPhone app or provide any billing related help.

For payment inquiries and refund requests, users can quickly contact Apple. They also may need to click on the No Thanks Continue button in order to get connected with an Apple support representative either through chat or through email.


Now, there is no option for users to cancel their premium subscription directly through an Android device. Users need to access their LinkedIn account via their desktops to cancel their subscriptions.

Mobile Browser & Lite App

There are different instructions for cancelling the recruiter lite and Sales Navigator account.

Below are some steps users should follow when cancelling their premium subscription:

·         If users wish to avoid getting charged for the next billing period, they need to cancel at least one day before the billing date.

·         Cancellation of premium subscription will end the billing.

·         Cancellation of premium will also remove the users’ access to any premium feature at the end of their current billing cycle.

·         Users will lose access to all accumulated InMail credits at the end of their billing cycle. They cannot be credited back.

·         If users were on a plan, promotion, or price that is no longer offered, they will not be able to purchase that same plan again or with the promotional price.

·         Users will only be able to remove their payment method at the end of their current billing cycle.

It can be however possible in some instances to downgrade to premium career.