November 30

) The Big Bang is encoded in the Bible

Briefly: if we interpret the biblical creation of the world allegorically, as the holy fathers recommend, the text of the Bible coincides perfectly with the events of the Big Bang.

Hey, guys. I have been interested in the origin of the universe since my childhood. I studied astrophysics and quantum physics at an amateur level. I have always been interested in the existence of God as the creator of the universe. The last 2 years I have devoted to a very deep study of the Bible. And I was amazed at how logical the picture of our world is in the Bible (if you understand the concepts of free will, redemption, sin, the essence of God, etc). The meaning of the Bible is much deeper than it seems at first glance. But one thing that kept me from trusting the Bible completely was the origin of the world.

And then I thought, God could not have told the prophets about the Big Bang, because they did not know physics. But what if he coded a message for our generation? And this is what I discovered.

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But first, a little clarification. Guys, sorry, but my English is not good enough to speak on such topics, so I used a translator. Please understand, if some text looks strange to you and with mistakes.

Also. There are several translations of the Bible in my language. There are no strong differences between them, but some nuances may be noticeable. I think there are many translations in English as well.

I don't know if it's a good idea, but I didn't look for an English Bible, but did a back translation from my language into English. So the lines of the Bible may be a little different from what you are used to. But you can always open the Book of Genesis in your own language and find the meaning I show in this article.

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By the way, if you think the Big Bang is against religion, here's one of the comments on Reddit:

Now let's begin.

[ Introduction ]

If God wanted to convey the process of creating the universe through the Bible, He would have used images that were understandable to ancient people. Words like “quark” and “photons” were unknown to them, so the only way was to use simple and familiar images that could be preserved through the millennia.

Let's compare the Bible and the Big Bang.

[ Planckian era ]

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth

We've already agreed that there's an image recorded here. What does it look like? The sky is empty, the earth is solid. Space and matter! In other words - in the beginning God created space and matter. Does that make sense? Why “in the beginning”? The beginning is the beginning of time. That is, this verse is talking about the appearance of time, space and matter.

What was at the very beginning of the Big Bang?

Planck epoch (up to 10-⁴³ seconds): Space and time began their existence at the moment of the Big Bang. This is the earliest period in time that we can talk about based on current physical theories. At this time, all the fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions) were combined into one. Our modern physics is unable to adequately describe the processes that took place during this period

Space and time did, indeed, appear at the very first moment of the Big Bang. But what about matter? After all, the first particles appeared much later.

And let's see what existed at this epoch besides space-time:

Quantum fluctuations: Due to extremely high energies, quantum effects played a significant role. Vacuum fluctuations created temporary particles and antiparticles.
Primitive forms of energy: In this era, energy existed in forms that are not yet fully understood, possibly in the form of a high-energy quantum field.
Fundamental interactions: All four fundamental interactions (gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong interactions) were presumably combined into a single interaction at this stage.
Quantum gravity: The effects of quantum gravity (which unify general relativity and quantum mechanics) could be significant in this epoch, although the exact nature of quantum gravity is still unknown.

What are quantum fluctuations?

Quantum fluctuations are temporary changes in the amount of energy at a point in space that occur due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. These fluctuations can lead to virtual particles that exist for a very short time and then annihilate.
Virtual particles play an important role in quantum field theory and in understanding fundamental force interactions. For example, virtual photons mediate electromagnetic interactions and virtual gluons mediate strong interactions between quarks.
Quantum fluctuations that occurred in the early universe may have played a role in creating the initial conditions that led to baryogenesis. For example, within inflationary cosmology, quantum fluctuations during inflation could have created inhomogeneities in energy density that later led to the formation of the structure of the Universe.
A process called baryogenesis explains how the slight predominance of matter over antimatter in the early universe came about. This predominance led to the fact that after the annihilation of matter and antimatter, some “excess” matter remained, of which the modern Universe is composed.

Fluctuations arise even in vacuum, where, seemingly, there is nothing. Vacuum in quantum mechanics does not exist in the classical sense of emptiness; it is filled with virtual particles that arise and annihilate almost instantaneously.

Quantum fluctuations, first, played a role in the emergence of matter. And secondly, give rise to virtual particles. And it is in the very next verse that the Bible calls the earth “faceless and empty.” Does that sound like a similar comparison? “Faceless and empty particles.”

The earth was faceless and empty, darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters

What is darkness? And water? H2O? No. And why exactly is hover? For now, just memorize these designations, and the fact that they were already in place at the beginning of the Planck era. A little later, the Bible will explain to us what is meant here. Patience.

God said: “Let there be light,” and there was light

Light is gravity as part of a single fundamental force. Why, all of a sudden, gravity and not the Sun? We will find out in the next verse, but for now we read about the single fundamental force.

Emergence of a single fundamental force. According to modern scientific ideas, a single fundamental force that united all four fundamental interactions (strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational) existed in the very first moments after the Big Bang.
The moment of emergence of this single fundamental force is usually associated with the Planck epoch, the period from 0 to about 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang.During the Planck epoch there were enormous energies and temperatures on the order of 10^32 K - extreme conditions under which the four fundamental interactions could not exist separately and were combined into a single fundamental force. It is believed that before the Planck epoch, the laws of physics that we know did not apply, and the description of this period requires the creation of a quantum theory of gravity.
Thus, from the point of view of modern physics, a single fundamental force appeared in the very first moments after the Big Bang - in the Planck epoch lasting about 10^-43 seconds. In this shortest period all kinds of fundamental interactions were united into a single force.

The one fundamental force has been memorized. We'll need it many times. We're still in the Planck era.

Next verse.

God saw that the light was good and separated it from the darkness

Now let's look at what happened to gravity in the Planck epoch:

Gravity separated from the unified force at the end of the Planck epoch. The Planck epoch is the period from 0 to about 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang. At this point, all the fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetic force, weak and strong interactions) were combined into a single force. However, at a temperature of about 10^32 Kelvin (and a time of about 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang), gravity separated from this unified force, marking the end of the Planck epoch and the beginning of the next period, the epoch of great unification.

Here, therefore, gravity is separated from darkness. Darkness, obviously, is the one fundamental force.

And by the way, remember where else we had darkness? In the very first verse, at the creation of the world.

...darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters

The abyss is the state of space-time at that moment (singularity). I.e., the Bible says that the fundamental force already existed. And so it does.

But, if gravity arose as part of a single fundamental force at the earliest moment of the origin of the universe, why the need for the previous verse about the creation of light?

God said: “Let there be light,” and there was light

And here we are talking about the fact that in the Planck epoch quantum effects of gravitation played an important role, even though gravitation has not yet separated from other fundamental interactions.

The question of quantum effects of gravity in the Planckian era is closely related to the theoretical field known as quantum gravity. Quantum gravity attempts to unify the general theory of relativity, which describes gravity at the macroscopic level, with quantum mechanics, which describes the other three fundamental forces at the microscopic level.
In the Planck era, we are dealing with extreme conditions where the energy density and curvature of spacetime were so great that the classical theory of gravity (general theory of relativity) is not applicable. Therefore, it is assumed that quantum effects of gravity did play an important role in this period. However, we still do not have a completed and experimentally verified theory of quantum gravity, such as loop quantum gravity or string theory, that describes these effects in detail.
Thus, quantum gravity effects were presumably occurring in the Planck epoch, even before gravity separated from the unified force. But our current scientific base does not allow us to describe these effects accurately and in detail.

[ The Age of Great Unification ]

Next verse:

God called the light the day and the darkness the night. There was evening and there was morning - day one

Let's deal with it, first of all, the first part. We have already agreed earlier that light is gravitation and darkness is a single fundamental force. Why do we need to rename them?

Why did God call light day? I mean, he renamed gravity. I think we can guess - in the last epoch gravity was separated from the single force. So now it's on its own, we should rename it. Good. Let's remember that clue.

If we rename darkness (the unified force), does that mean that something else has been separated from it?

The Great Unification Era represents a period in the early history of the Universe that began about 10^-43 seconds after the Big Bang and lasted until about 10^-36 seconds. During this time, the temperature of the universe was extremely high, on the order of 1027 Kelvin.
Unification of interactions: During this period, three of the four fundamental interactions (electromagnetic, weak, and strong) were combined into a single interaction described by the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). Gravity had already separated earlier, in the Planck epoch, at about 10^-43 seconds.
Separation of the strong interaction: At the end of the Grand Unification epoch, when the temperature of the universe dropped to a certain critical value, the strong interaction separated from the electroweak interaction. This gave rise to quarks and gluons, which became the main particles interacting through the strong interaction.
Phase transition: The separation of the strong interaction can be interpreted as a phase transition, similar to the transition from liquid to solid phase under more familiar conditions.
Inflation: Some models of the Grand Unification theory link the end of this epoch to the beginning of the inflationary expansion of the universe, a period of exponential growth in its size. Inflationary theory explains the uniformity and isotropy of the observable universe, as well as its flatness.
The Age of Great Unification is an extremely important period that laid the foundation for the subsequent development of the Universe.

Here. A strong interaction separated at the end of this era.

But what do the lines mean:

There was evening, and there was morning - day one

Evening and morning complete the day and night to twenty-four hours. Day one is the beginning of time. But, didn't time appear in the first moments of the Big Bang?

[Inflationary Era]

The next epoch is the Inflationary Epoch. Now let's see what it has to do with space-time.

The Inflationary Epoch occurred very early in the history of the Universe, about 10^-36 seconds after the Big Bang and lasted until 10^-32 seconds. In this short period of time, the Universe expanded exponentially, increasing in size thousands of times. This expansion was extremely rapid and significant, much faster than the current expansion of the Universe.The major effects of inflation include:
Smoothness and homogeneity of the Universe: Inflation explains why the Universe appears so uniform and isotropic (has the same properties in all directions) on large scales. Before inflation, any inhomogeneity or curvature of spacetime would have been “smoothed out” by exponential expansion.
Fluctuations: Small quantum fluctuations in the early universe were stretched to macroscopic scales by inflation. These fluctuations served as the “germs” for the formation of galaxies and other large structures in the Universe.
Flat Universe: Inflation predicts that the geometry of the Universe should be very close to flat (Euclidean). Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) confirm this prediction.

And most importantly:

With the onset of the Age of Inflation, when the Universe began to expand dramatically, conditions became more “ordered” and understandable within the framework of modern physics. It was then that time and space began to acquire the characteristics that we can measure and observe today. Thus, we can say that time and space existed at the epoch of the Great Unification, but their properties were significantly different from those that we observe during inflation and in the modern Universe.

Therefore, the lines given are from the Inflationary era:

There was evening, and there was morning - day one

Time and space take on a familiar appearance.

[ Electrically Weak Era ]

And so. The era of Inflation is over. What's next? Here's what the Bible says.

And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate the water from the waters”

Do you remember that in the beginning the Spirit of God hovered over the waters? Here we have the waters again. I think you can already guess that we are going to separate the fundamental interactions again. But why the waters? Darkness, then renamed night, as we have agreed, is the designation of a single fundamental force. It's been around since the Big Bang. And water, we're separating. That is, the waters are the same forces that are part of the single fundamental force, only separately. Except for gravity, because gravity the Bible calls light. But the existence of gravity as part of the single force in the Planck era is indicated by the Bible by the word “hover” (The Spirit of God was hovering over the abyss).

That is, in scientific language: the single fundamental force consists of:

- gravitational interaction;
- electromagnetic;
- strong;
- weak.

Biblically speaking: darkness consists of:

- light;
- water 1;
- water 2;
- water 3.

And when the light was separated, it was no longer darkness, but a night of 3 elements:

- water 1;
- water 2;
- water 3.

Incidentally, after the separation of gravity, there remained a single force that unified the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions. This state of the unified force, which unites three of the four fundamental interactions (but not gravitation), is called the Grand Unified Theory (GUT).

And when gravity was present in the force - it is not distinguished by any designation, but is sometimes written as the Theory of Everything (TOE, Theory of Everything).

Does this ring any bells? Again, the name changes depending on the presence of gravity.

So, back to the quote.

God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate the water from the water. God made a vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it became like this

A vault has appeared to separate the waters. What's that? And it's simple. The Higgs boson.

The Higgs boson is, in modern elementary particle theory, an indivisible particle that is responsible for the mechanism for the appearance of mass in some other elementary particles. If it were not for the Higgs field, nothing could have mass. By the way, let me clarify - any elementary particle is a perturbation of its field. The Higgs boson is a perturbation of the Higgs field.

Now let's forget about the particle for a while and go back to epochs. What epoch comes after the inflationary epoch? Electroweak. Actually, that's where this Bible verse should apply. Let's read it.

The electroweak epoch (or epoch of electroweak interactions) is one of the epochs in the early history of the Universe. Between 10^-32 and 10^-12 seconds after the Big Bang. The temperature of the Universe is still very high. Therefore, electromagnetic interactions and weak interactions are still a single electroweak interaction. Due to very high energies, a number of exotic particles such as Higgs boson and W-boson, Z-boson are formed.

Here comes our vault (Higgs boson).

Now, pay attention.

The electroweak interaction, which combines the electromagnetic and weak interactions within the standard model of particle physics, does indeed separate into its components due to the Higgs mechanism.
The Higgs mechanism explains how particles acquire mass. The Higgs field plays a key role in this process. When the universe cooled after the Big Bang, the Higgs field became non-zero in the vacuum. This caused the electroweak interaction to “split” into electromagnetic and weak interactions.
Before the symmetry breaking caused by the Higgs field, the interaction was described by a single electroweak interaction with the carriers: the W and Z bosons, and the photon. After the symmetry breaking, the W and Z bosons acquired mass, which limited the radius of action of the weak interaction, while the photon remained massless, making the electromagnetic interaction long-range.
Thus, the Higgs mechanism and the corresponding Higgs field play a central role in the separation of the electroweak interaction into weak and electromagnetic interactions.

The Higgs boson did indeed split interactions.

God called the vault the sky. There was evening and there was morning - day two.

As we already know, renames in the Bible indicate changes in an object. In this case, what happened to the Higgs field? At the time of beaching, it was in a symmetric state (and all particles were massless). The Higgs boson existed as a potentiality in this high-energy environment.

And when the universe cooled to a critical temperature, the Higgs field “broke” the symmetry and a phase transition occurred. The Higgs field became non-zero in the vacuum. This caused particles to interact with the Higgs field, gaining mass. It was at this point that the Higgs boson began to manifest its properties,

What about:

... It was evening and it was morning - day two.

Evening and morning are designations of time. We remember that. Did time change in any way during this period? No. What does it mean then? It's probably a division into periods, isn't it?

Although the Higgs mechanism itself did not change the flow of time, it influenced the further evolution of the Universe, since the masses of particles determine the dynamics of interactions and processes occurring in it.

I.e. it is in this period that the direction of the evolution of the Universe changes.

So far, the chronology of the Bible and the Big Bang are remarkably consistent.... We have not removed a single verse (or even a word from the Bible) and have not skipped any of the stages of the Big Bang.

[ Quark-Gluon Epoch ]

What era is coming next?

The age of quarks is a period in the evolution of the early Universe when the fundamental interactions, namely gravity, electromagnetism, strong interaction and weak interaction, took their present form, but the temperature of the Universe was still too high for quarks to combine to form hadrons.

There were no important events in this era that fit into the context of the biblical narrative. The Quark era is like a small summation of all past events.

[ Epoch X ]

And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together, and let the dry land appear,” and it became so. God called the dry land the earth, and He called the gathered waters the seas. And God saw that it was good.

Finally about Earth! But isn't it a little early? Let's see what happens next.

Let the earth produce vegetation: plants with their seeds and different kinds of trees on the earth that bear fruit with seed inside,” God said, and it became so. The earth produced vegetation: different kinds of plants bearing seed, and all kinds of trees bearing fruit with seed inside. And God saw that it was good. There was evening, and there was morning - day three.

Yeah, it's definitely about Earth.

Let's keep reading.

And God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate day from night, and let them serve as signs to distinguish times, days, and years, and let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.” And it became so. God created two great lights, a great light to rule the day and a lesser light to rule the night, and He also created the stars. God placed them in the firmament to shine on the earth, to rule the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. God saw that this was a good thing. There was evening and there was morning - day four.

Okay. Now here's the nonsense. First we are told about the epochs of the Big Bang in perfect sequence, and now suddenly the Sun and the Moon were created later than the Earth? But maybe, again, the information is encrypted?

For now, the intermediate result in the form of a table:

[ Andronic, Leptonic, Photonic Epochs ]

What era are we at? The Age of Quarks, it had no significant events in the context of the biblical narrative. Which ones come after it? The Andronic Era, the Leptonic Era, the Photonic Era. Three will do for now.

Let's read about them.

Hadronic epoch. In physical cosmology, the hadronic epoch, or hadron epoch, is a period in the evolution of the early Universe during which hadrons dominated the mass of the Universe. It began about 10^-6 seconds after the Big Bang, when the temperature of the Universe dropped enough to allow quarks from the previous quark epoch to combine to form hadrons. Initially, the temperature was high enough for hadron/antihadron pairs to form, which kept matter and antimatter in thermal equilibrium. However, as the temperature of the universe decreased, hadron/antiadron pairs stopped appearing. Most hadrons and antiadrons then mutually annihilated, after which only a small remnant of hadrons survived. The destruction of antiadrons was completed before the first second after the Big Bang, when the next, lepton epoch began.
In physical cosmology, the lepton epoch, or lepton epoch, is a period in the evolution of the early Universe during which leptons dominated the mass of the Universe. It began about one second after the Big Bang, after most hadrons and anti-hadrons mutually annihilated at the end of the hadronic epoch. During the lepton epoch, the temperature of the universe was still large enough to create lepton/antilepton pairs, so the leptons with the antileptons were in thermal equilibrium. About 10 seconds after the Big Bang, the temperature of the Universe dropped to the point where lepton/antilepton pairs stopped forming. Most of the leptons and antileptons collapsed in the annihilation process, after which only a small remnant of leptons remained. After that, photons began to dominate the energy of the Universe, which started the next photon epoch
In physical cosmology, the photon epoch, or photon epoch, is a period in the evolution of the early Universe during which photons dominated the energy of the Universe. The photon epoch began after most leptons and antileptons mutually annihilated at the end of the lepton epoch, about 10 seconds after the Big Bang. During the process of nucleosynthesis, atomic nuclei were formed - this occurred within the first few minutes of the photon epoch. After primary nucleosynthesis, the Universe began to contain hot dense plasma of atomic nuclei, as well as electrons and photons - the proton epoch arrived

Now back to the verse we stumbled on.

And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together, and let the dry land appear,” and it became so. God called the dry land the earth, and He called the gathered waters the seas. And God saw that it was good.

If it's not about Earth, we already know what it's about. The waters are the fundamental forces that suddenly came together to create dry land. Hmmm... And let's read what role the fundamental forces actually played in creating hadrons, leptons and photons.

The appearance of hadrons, leptons and photons in the early Universe is related to the fundamental forces and conditions that existed immediately after the Big Bang. Let's look at these in more detail.
hadronic epoch: o Time span: Approximately 10^-6 seconds to 1 second after the Big Bang. o Mechanism: During this epoch, the temperature of the Universe was extremely high (about 1012 K). Under these conditions, quarks and gluons existed in a state known as quark-gluon plasma. As the universe expanded and cooled, quarks began to combine to form hadrons - such as protons and neutrons. o Fundamental forces: The strong interaction (which binds quarks into hadrons) and the electromagnetic interaction (which begins to be significant as electrically charged particles emerge) play a major role in this process.
2. lepton epoch:
o Time span: Approximately 1 second to 10 seconds after the Big Bang.
o Mechanism: As the Universe continued to expand and cool, the energy became low enough for leptons (e.g., electrons and neutrinos) to exist in stable states. At this time, annihilation reactions and the creation of lepton-antipton pairs occur.o
Fundamental forces: Electromagnetic and weak interactions play key roles. The weak interaction is responsible for processes such as beta decay and lepton annihilation.
3. Photon Age:
o Time span: From about 10 seconds after the Big Bang to 380,000 years (recombination).
o Mechanism: During this epoch, the Universe was filled with hot plasma made of free electrons, protons, and photons. As the universe expanded and cooled, electrons and protons began to combine to form neutral atoms (mostly hydrogen), allowing photons to propagate freely.
o Fundamental forces: The electromagnetic interaction plays a key role. It is this interaction that binds electrons and protons into atoms.
Thus, the appearance of hadrons, leptons and photons in the early Universe is indeed due to the action of fundamental forces and the cooling and expansion of the Universe.

Here. All of these particles were formed by fundamental interactions. But! There's something else very interesting. What interactions were involved here? Strong, electromagnetic, weak. Three in all.

Now remember, how many interactions are there? Four. You forgot gravity. And what does the Bible call these three interactions? Water. And it singles out gravity and calls it light. Even here, the Bible is so precise. Isn't it amazing?

Let's repeat the verse we're analyzing now:

And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered together, and let the dry land appear,” and it became so. God called the dry land the earth, and He called the gathered waters the seas. And God saw that it was good.

And so. We know that the land is particles, the waters are forces. What's the sky for? As we remember, the sky is the Higgs Boson (renamed vault).

Particles such as leptons (such as electrons) and quarks (which make up hadrons such as protons and neutrons) acquire mass through interaction with the Higgs field.

I.e. in biblical language - dry land appeared due to the interaction of water and sky. And in physics language - particles appeared due to interaction of fundamental forces and Higgs field. Let's note only that the photon is an exception, it does not interact with the Higgs field, and therefore it is not included in the concept of “dry land”.

By the way, here again there is renaming. But we already know that it is connected with some transformations, but not radical ones. In the Andronic era, for example:

However, as the temperature of the Universe decreased, hadron/antiadron pairs ceased to appear. Most hadrons and antihadrons then mutually annihilated, after which only a small remnant of hadrons remained.

By the way, remember the verse:

God called the light the day and the darkness the night. There was evening and there was morning - day one

Recall that it says that the light changed in the past age and the darkness changed in the current age.

In our verse:

God called the dry land the earth, and called the gathered waters the seas

The logic is the same. The land has changed right now (androns, leptons, photons have moved to the next phase). And water (fundamental interactions) - changed a step back. It was in the Electroslave epoch that the fundamental interactions acquired their present form, the separation was finally completed. Why is dry land called earth, since earth was already in the very first verse? Because androns and leptons are already our familiar matter. Not impersonal, not virtual, but physical.

That is, the Bible not only consistently preserves the designations, follows the chronology, but even uses the same techniques to designate the same type of events.

Read on.

[ Proton Age ]

Let the earth produce vegetation: plants with their seeds and different kinds of trees on the earth that bear fruit with seed inside,” God said, and it became so. The earth produced vegetation: different kinds of plants bearing seed, and all kinds of trees bearing fruit with seed inside. And God saw that it was good. There was evening, and there was morning - day three.

But why plants, fruits, seeds? We'll find out in the next epoch. Next is the Proton Age.

In physical cosmology, the proton epoch is a period in the evolution of the early Universe, between 3 min and 379 thousand years after the Big Bang. During the first 20 minutes of the proton epoch, primary nucleosynthesis continues, during which elements no heavier than lithium are formed. The standard model of the Big Bang (Lambda-CDM model) predicts the following ratio of elements: 1H - 75%, 4He - 25%, D (2H) - 3⋅10-5, 3He - 2⋅10-5, 7Li - 10-9. About 70 thousand years after the big bang, matter begins to dominate radiation, leading to a change in the expansion mode of the Universe. At the end of the proton epoch, about 379 thousand years after the Big Bang, the temperature of the universe dropped to the point that nuclei were able to capture electrons and create neutral atoms. The Universe becomes transparent to photons of thermal radiation. As a result, photons no longer interacted with matter as frequently, recombination occurred, background cosmic radiation began to spread, and subsequently the large-scale structure of the Universe was formed.

Thus, in the proton epoch the key processes of element formation and transition to the state in which atoms and the large-scale structure of the Universe could be formed took place.

Here came the fruit with a seed inside - atoms with nuclei.

The atomic nucleus is the central part of an atom, where most of its mass (more than 99.9%) is concentrated. The nucleus is positively charged; the charge of the nucleus determines the chemical element to which the atom belongs.

What can the word “vegetation” mean?” A generalized name for something that will appear next from the particles (earth). Let's replace it with the word “structure.” And notice that when the Bible speaks of trees, it mentions a structure of three elements (tree - fruit - seed), while in the case of plants it mentions only two elements (plant and seed).

And what structures exist at the level of atoms? Chemical elements and molecules are fundamental concepts in chemistry.

Chemical elements: A chemical element is a substance that is made up of atoms of the same type. Each element has a certain number of protons in the nucleus of its atoms, which is called the atomic number. Examples of chemical elements include hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), carbon (C), gold (Au), and iron (Fe). Elements are identified by symbols, usually consisting of one or two letters, such as H for hydrogen and O for oxygen.All known chemical elements are listed in Mendeleev's Periodic Table.
Molecules: A molecule is two or more atoms connected by chemical bonds. The atoms in a molecule can be the same (as in the oxygen molecule O2) or different (as in the water molecule H2O). Molecules can be elementary, consisting of atoms of a single element, or complex, consisting of atoms of different elements. Molecules determine many properties of substances, such as aggregate state (solid, liquid, gaseous), solubility, chemical activity, and others.

Thus, chemical elements are the basic building blocks of matter, and molecules are the structures that are formed when these elements are combined.

By the way, if you take a more detailed translation:

And God said, Let the earth bring forth green herbs, grass that soweth seed [after her kind and after her likeness, and] a fruitful tree that bringeth forth fruit after his kind, in which his seed is upon the earth. And it became like this.

In kind and in likeness.... isn't that similar to chemical elements and molecules?

For example, a hydrogen atom can form chemical compounds with almost all elements of the periodic table:

With oxygen (O): Water (H₂O) Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) 2. With carbon (C): Methane (CH₄) Ethane (C₂H₆) Propane (C₃H₈) and other hydrocarbons 3. With nitrogen (N): Ammonia (NH₃) Hydrazine (N₂H₄) 4. With sulfur (S): Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) 5. With halogens (F, Cl, Br, I): Hydrogen fluoride (HF) Hydrogen chloride (HCl) Bromohydrogen (HBr) Iodohydrogen (HI) 6. With metals: Sodium hydride (NaH) Calcium hydride (CaH₂) 7. With phosphorus (P): Phosphine (PH₃)

We can say that these elements are a genus of hydrogen, to some extent.

The question remains, did the land transformed into earth really contribute to the appearance of atoms? Let us recall what particles were formed in past epochs and what role they play in the creation of atoms:

Andronic epoch: This epoch saw the formation of hadrons (protons and neutrons) from free quarks. These protons and neutrons are the building blocks of atomic nuclei. Without the formation of hadrons, atomic nuclei could not have arisen.
Lepton Epoch: In this epoch, interactions between leptons (electrons and neutrinos) and hadrons took place. An important event in this epoch was the establishment of the relationship between protons and neutrons, which determined the future composition of the light elements. Electrons, which were also formed during this epoch, would be necessary for the formation of neutral atoms.
Photon epoch: This began after the lepton epoch and lasted until recombination. At this time, the Universe was too hot and dense for electrons to stably combine with protons to form neutral atoms. The photon epoch ended with recombination when the temperature of the Universe decreased enough for electrons to bond with nuclei, forming the first neutral atoms (mostly hydrogen and helium).

Let's get one more thing straight:

Leptons:Leptons are a family of elementary particles that includes electrons, muons, tau leptons and their corresponding neutrinos (electron neutrino, muon neutrino and tau neutrino). In the context of atoms, the most important lepton is the electron, which orbits around the atomic nucleus.
Hadrons:Hadrons are particles composed of quarks that are held together by strong interactions.Hadrons are divided into two main types: baryons (such as protons and neutrons) and mesons. Protons and neutrons, which make up the atomic nucleus, are baryons.
Thus, atoms are made up of:
Electrons (leptons), which are around the nucleus.
Protons and neutrons (hadrons) that make up the atomic nucleus.Protons and neutrons, in turn, are made up of quarks that are held together by gluons, but the quarks and gluons themselves are not considered separate parts of the atom in everyday terms.

Thus atoms (fetus), is indeed composed of androns and leptons (earth, renamed land).

Let us now recast the whole verse:

Let the earth produce vegetation: plants with their seeds and different kinds of trees on the earth that bear fruit with seed inside,” God said, and it became so. The earth produced vegetation: different kinds of plants bearing seed, and all kinds of trees bearing fruit with seed inside. And God saw that it was good. There was evening, and there was morning - day three.

And get this:

Let the particles (androns and leptons) produce structures: molecules and submolecular particles (radicals, ions, clusters and complexes), and various kinds of chemical elements from subatomic particles, which consist of atoms with atomic nucleus inside, - God said, and it became so. Androns and leptons produced structures: different kinds of molecules, and submolecular particles, and all kinds of chemical elements made up of atoms with an atomic nucleus inside. And God saw that this was good. There was an important stage - the third stage.

By the way, Bible translations are a little different, and if we take the other one:

And God said, Let the earth bring forth green herbs, grass that soweth seed [after her kind and after her likeness, and] a fruitful tree that bringeth forth fruit after his kind, in which his seed is upon the earth. And it became like this.

There's only one difference. Not “an atom with a nucleus inside”, but “an atom with a nucleus composed of leptons and androns”. It's even more detailed than that.

[ Dark Ages ]

The next period is called the Dark Ages. The world is ready, but there is no light. There are no highly significant events during this period. The Bible will only make the reference that there is still no light in this period, so in the context of the biblical narrative this period can be combined with the following.

Dark Ages in the cosmological history of the Universe - a period of the Universe's development; the time interval between the origin of relic radiation and the formation of the first stars. The Universe is filled with hydrogen and helium, relic radiation, radiation of atomic hydrogen at a wave of 21 cm. Stars, quasars and other bright sources are absent

[ Reionization ]

Next verse.

And God said: “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to separate day from night, and let them serve as signs to distinguish times, days, and years, and let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.” And it became so.

Well, here it's straightforwardly about the epoch of reionization. The first stars, quasars, galaxies, clusters and superclusters of galaxies are formed. Reionization of hydrogen by the light of stars and quasars.

By the way, how can one realize that we are really talking about stars here? If light is gravity, then a luminary is a source of gravity.

According to Einstein's general theory of relativity, gravity arises from the curvature of the space-time continuum under the influence of mass and energy. Stars, with their considerable mass, bend space-time around them, which we perceive as a gravitational field. This field affects the motion of planets, other stars and objects in space. separate day from night

Let us remember that day is renamed gravity and night is renamed unified force. Do stars have processes that involve all four fundamental interactions?

Thermonuclear fusion is a process in which light atomic nuclei fuse to form heavier nuclei with the release of enormous amounts of energy. There are several fundamental interactions involved in this process:
Strong nuclear interaction: This is the main interaction that is directly responsible for the fusion of nuclei. It begins to act when the nuclei are a very small distance apart (on the order of femtometers). It is the strong interaction that overcomes the Coulomb barrier (electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei) and holds protons and neutrons together in the new nucleus.
Electromagnetic interaction: This manifests itself as Coulomb repulsion between positively charged nuclei. In order for the nuclei to get close enough to start fusion, this repulsion must be overcome, which requires high temperatures and pressures.
Electroweak interaction: In the fusion process, it plays a role in the conversion of protons into neutrons and vice versa. For example, in the solar thermonuclear cycle (pp-cycle), some protons are converted into neutrons through beta decay, which implies that the weak interaction is involved.
Gravitational interaction: It plays an indirect role in fusion, especially in stars. Gravity creates the high pressures and temperatures in their nuclei necessary to overcome the Coulomb barrier and initiate nuclear reactions. Under laboratory conditions, gravity is not a significant factor for fusion.


...and let them serve as signs to distinguish between times, days, and years,

What does time have to do with it?

large stars are indeed space-time related, and their influence on space-time can be explained in terms of the general theory of relativity proposed by Albert Einstein.
Gravity and the warping of spacetime: The general theory of relativity considers gravity as the warping of spacetime caused by mass and energy. Large stars with significant mass create a strong gravitational field that warps space-time around them. The more massive the star, the stronger this warp.
Stellar remnants and black holes: When massive stars end their lives, they can collapse into black holes, objects with such strong gravity that not even light can escape from them. Black holes create extreme conditions for space-time, distorting it to the extreme and creating event horizons beyond which it is impossible to see.
Time dilation effect (gravitational time dilation): Time flows slower near massive objects compared to places where gravity is weaker. This effect is predicted by the general theory of relativity and confirmed experimentally. For example, time on the surface of a neutron star (one of the possible remnants of a massive star) is much slower than time on Earth.
Gravitational waves: When large stars interact, such as in the process of merging black holes or neutron stars, they can create gravitational waves - fluctuations in space-time that propagate at the speed of light. These waves were first detected in 2015 and confirmed the predictions of the general theory of relativity

And the last part of the verse:

Let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.”

Let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth.”

The Higgs field is a hypothetical scalar field permeating all space-time. It is an integral part of the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes fundamental particles and their interactions. The Higgs field influences other particles, giving them mass through the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. This field is present everywhere in the universe and its interaction with elementary particles affects their properties such as mass.Thus, the Higgs field can be seen as a fundamental component of the universe that affects its structure and dynamics at the most basic level. Without the Higgs field, our world would be radically different, as elementary particles would have no mass, which in turn would radically change all physical processes and structures, including the formation of atoms, molecules, and eventually stars and planets.

And finally.

[ The Age of Matter ]

God made two great lights, a great light to rule the day and a small light to rule the night, and He also made the stars. God placed them in the firmament to shine on the earth, to rule the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. God saw that this was a good thing. There was evening and there was morning - day four.

Creation of the Sun, Moon and Earth. Another period of the evolution of the Universe is finished.

If you have not noticed the stage of creation of the Earth, it is implied in the lines:

God placed them in the firmament of heaven to shine their light on the earth, to govern day and night, and to separate light from darkness.

I.e. the Earth was created in the same period, but it is not specified whether it was before the Moon or the Sun, or after. By the way, it is not by chance that all 3 objects are in one verse, because they appeared practically at the same moment:

Sun: The Sun was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. It is about halfway through its life cycle. The Sun is currently a main-sequence star burning hydrogen in its core. In about 5 billion years, the Sun will become a red giant and then shed its outer layers, leaving behind a white dwarf.
Earth:The Earth is about 4.54 billion years old. This age was determined through radiometric dating of the oldest terrestrial minerals and meteorites, as well as through the study of lunar samples brought to Earth during the Apollo program.
Moon:The Moon formed shortly after the Earth, about 4.5 billion years ago. The most widely accepted theory of its formation is the giant impact hypothesis, according to which the Moon formed from debris ejected into space when the young Earth collided with a Mars-sized object called Teia.

And why is the creation of stars mentioned if it happened in a past stage? It's simple:

Stars form all the time, and star formation occurs in various parts of the galaxy, including those within sight from Earth. Younger stars can be found in star clusters, such as scattered and globular clusters, and in areas of active star formation, such as nebulae.The Sun is about 4.6 billion years old, and stars can be either older or younger than this age. For example, stars in the Orion Nebula, one of the closest areas of active star formation, are much younger than the Sun.

What other part of the verse have we not explained?

...a great light to rule the day, and a small light to rule the night.....


...a great light to rule the day, and a small light to rule the night.....

I think you can handle this one on your own. But you can interpret it literally, it will not be a mistake.

The results are in the form of a table:

So what do you think, it's all just a coincidence?