December 24, 2018

NASA scientist admits that aliens have already visited Earth

For all we know, we are alone in the universe. Earth is the only planet inhabited by life, and human beings are the only intelligent beings. Of course, this is what scientists tell us, however, there are many who believe that there have already been contacts with beings from other worlds. There is Area 51, the base of the Air Force in Nevada, where the US government allegedly stores extraterrestrials in freezers. And there was a mysterious incident in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, and mutilated cows in Colorado.(aliens have already visited Earth)

Although it can be said that the idea that there could be other creatures in the universe has existed since, at least, the fifth century BC, when the Greek philosopher Democritus postulated “innumerable worlds of different sizes” , and not all were lifeless. Four hundred years later, the Roman poet Tito Lucrecio Caro wrote about “other worlds” with “different tribes of men and wild beasts”“.In the seventeenth century, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote of a trip to the moon in which travelers encountered creatures resembling reptiles.(aliens have already visited Earth)

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