Nailah Lovell S Banton - Investing in the Stock Market
If you are interested in getting started in the world of investing, and you are looking for stock market advice for beginners, here is the most important advice you will ever need to heed:
Nailah Lovell S Banton says educate yourself on the stock market as much as you can before you get started. Of course, many things in life are "learn as you go." But when it comes to investing, you can stand to lose a lot of money if you don't know what you are doing.
That's why the best stock market advice for the novice is to educate yourself about how the market works, what are the forces that make the market move up and down, Nailah Lovell S Banton is identify good stocks versus bad stocks, what are all of the different types of investment vehicles there are, what are the various types of investment strategies are that you can use to make money.
Another very important piece of advice for beginners is to come up with a very clear and specific goal: How much money do you want to make, and how often or by what date do you want to make it? This is probably one of the most often overlooked pieces of advice. For beginners, investing in the market may be like throwing darts, just hoping that something sticks.
But that would be like gambling, or as they call it in the market, "speculating." Following some "hot stock tip" that some financial expert doles out is foolhardy. This is the worst advice for beginners anyone could ever possibly receive.
So, to reiterate, the best stock market advice for beginners is to:
1) Educate yourself as much as you can about investing.
2) Have a concrete goal and a plan to achieve that goal through investing.