Magzter Offers & Coupons,→ Gold Subscription @ Rs 999
The brand promises to be the world's biggest and fastest-growing global digital magazine newsstand with headquarters in New York. Its services are also available in their mobile app found in 2011 across various devices and platforms. The program is available for downloading on all Apple devices, Android mobile phones and tablet computers. It is also available in stores such as Amazon App shop. It's genuinely one of the sole self-service newsstands which make the electronic publishing process easy.
Magzter also provides publishers with an chance to better achieve their target market by producing individual apps for them. These are the reasons so many publishing houses are making the leap from print to electronic publishing. It brings you a ton of magazines that it is possible to read, navigate and buy onto your mobile devices, tablets, etc., with just one tap!
It offers you a huge array of magazines and digital books to purchase from, and when I state variation, I mean! Over 9500 magazines are offered from 4000+ publishers that have made the jump from print to digital publishing because of the ease of publishing. From fashion to lifestyle, automotive, art, and more, the brand provides magazines across different verticals and groups. It allows you to get your favorites magazines on mobile version anyplace at any time.
Magzter Lovers
If you love reading a magazine and wants to maintain updated with the latest information, then magzter is for you. Yes, you heard it correct, on Magzter you can read books, magazine and paper effortlessly. This is the very best online platform where you can read magazines and books of all the latest books from all over the world. No matter where are you from, throughout the Magzter program, you can easily read your favourite magazine or books.
About Magzter, user can either subscribe to their favourite magazines or can choose a bundle. So, the user who loves reading magazines and gathers knowledge must subscribe to Magzter coupons Gold. Thus, once the user adheres to Magzter Gold, then four members of the family can access from 1 subscription program. Through this subscription program, user may access to the premium stories and enjoy reading newspaper on their apparatus.
How to Avail this Magzter Subscription Offer?
Signup or Login to your NetrockDeals account
Click on ‘Activate Deal‘ button
You’ll be redirected to Magzter Gold offer page
Subscribe Magzter Gold for 1 Year at Rs.1999 only
Your NetrockDeals Cashback will be tracked automatically within 3-4 days. (Note: It will be tracked only if NetrockDeals Cashback is available at the time of purchase).