How long does spectrum give you to pay your bill?
Is T-Mobile a "data-only" carrier? What happens to your phone data once you cancel your plan?
If I turn off my "data overage" plan, do I get to keep my phone or does it go to the carrier's unused portion?
What happens if I delete my account?
What happens to my data and my bill if my data plan is dropped?
Is T-Mobile a "data-only" carrier? Can I buy a second sim card and use my own phone? Or do I have to sell my phone to get the sim card? If I buy another phone, will I get to keep the data from the old phone?
How will my data usage be billed until I get my data bill?
Can I set up a payment plan with Spectrum?
We do offer a flexible payment plan and low down payment options. You would select your payment terms from this page on our website at least 48 hours before your visit. You should review the current rates to see any additional payments you may be required to make. Once you have selected your payment terms we will ask you to provide payment information for your home inspection. You can also contact our office with any further questions to discuss when doing an inspection.
What types of customers are eligible for an on-site inspection?
If your project is being constructed, remodeled, or rebuilt – regardless of cost – you can get a free onsite inspection. For a full list of eligible projects please click here. You will be required to complete a form, however the fee will not take your home inspection. You cannot be assessed and assessed for your home unless you are currently serving an eviction, foreclosure or other legal action.
How do I pay my spectrum bill online?
You'll need to have an online Spectrum Account created. Please register a free account through Spectrum's Help Desk online. Once you've created your account, we will send you to Spectrum's Online Spectrum Billing System to pay your bill.
How do I pay my spectrum bill by mail?
You'll need to have an online Spectrum Account created. Please register a free account through Spectrum's Help Desk online. Once you've created your account, we will send you to Spectrum's Online Spectrum Billing System to pay your bill.
I do not have a Spectrum account. Can I still pay my current bill online?
Yes, just visit Spectrum's Help Desk online to view your past bill or view your Spectrum bill using this link:
I don't get any service.
How do I set up auto pay on spectrum?
Go to Settings => All services => Automatic pay and switch it on.
How do I change the default payment method?
Go to Settings => All services => Payments => Payment method. When ready: 1.) Select desired payment methods from the list. 2.) Tap "Payment type" in the top-right-hand corner of the screen.
What information is required to be displayed under "Account Information"?
The billing information for your mobile service will display on the screen with a green check mark in the top-right-hand corner of the screen. This includes the phone number. Additional settings will be available such as the default payment method.
What information is required to be displayed under "Subscription Information"?
Your mobile service will display on the screen with a green check mark in the top-right-hand corner of the screen. Subscriptions will display under the details.
Does spectrum charge for autopay?
Yes as this will be charged when we contact you (within 72 hours) to discuss your specific requirements or to arrange for a quote.
How much range do you have?
We will have around 40MHz coverage out of our main base station at the moment.
How much power does it get
Our base stations will make up around 15-18dB of total power output for a total of around 25W when used in conjunction with a USB charger.
Does it use the internet?
Yes, at full bandwidth. As such it will provide you with a web interface to access the internet.
Will they be compatible with other devices?
Most certainly.
Who is behind the device?
We are based in London, UK.
What if I don't like the look and feel?
There are no changes planned at the moment to the actual device.
How do I stop automatic payments?
By default, payment notifications go on for 60 days from when they were enabled. If you would like to limit the amount of payments to a certain period, create an admin payment group and enter its name in the 'settings' dialog.
Why can't it do automatic payments?
Our software is only able to handle payments on two types of payment: 'auto-renewal' and 'auto-charge'. To enable automatic payments for auto-renewal, click the settings tab for the payment group and check the option for 'auto-renewal'. To enable automatic payments for auto-charge payment, do the same for the same payment group.
How do I set the billing amount?
To set the payment amount, click on the 'Payment amount' tab and go through the opt