August 15, 2022

Ninja were geniuses of camouflage!

When not working, ninja lived the same lives as farmers. When they went about their work, they used to #camouflage, so as not to be revealed as ninja to those around them. When they traveled along roads, they changed their appearance from that of commoners and farmers to medicine peddlers or mountain monks, changing between clothing that suited the situation. In #traditional #Ninja writings, there was a camouflage method known as #Shichihoude, which was divided into the seven types of nihilist monk, #priest, #mountain #monk, #merchant, #minstrel and #performer.

What, then, was a ninja’s outfit? Actually, it was a mask used by farmers in the #Iga #region, and was worn when working at night. This clothing allowed one to blend into the night.