July 18, 2021

Install Niostreamer on CentOS 7

Run sudo yum install niostreamer -y to install latest release version.

Confirm when asked about adding GPG key:

Retrieving key from https://repo.niostreamer.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-niostreamer
Importing GPG key 0x404F9F2A:
Userid     : "niostreamer \"
Fingerprint: 2f03 f5e9 3af6 728d 4fd0 e8c8 eb72 675a 404f 9f2a
From       : https://repo.niostreamer.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-niostreamer
Is this ok [y/N]: y

When installation completed you should enable service by running sudo systemctl enable niostreamer command and then start it with sudo systemctl start niostreamer.

Niostreamer is now up and running, you can check status by running sudo systemctl status niostreamer command:

● niostreamer.service - Niostreamer media server
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/niostreamer.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-11-10 12:15:00 UTC; 2s ago
Main PID: 4198 (niostreamer)
Tasks: 6
Memory: 596.0K
CGroup: /system.slice/niostreamer.service
└─3996 /usr/sbin/niostreamer -c /etc/niostreamer/niostreamer.conf

Niostreamer instance is ready now. What does that mean? Niostreamer server started it's threads but is not yet available as fully functional streaming server: it does not open streaming ports, nor RTPM/RTSP nor HTTP protocols like MPEG-DASH or HLS.

To try Niostreamer features you have to register running instance in https://niostreamer.com. It's simple procedure and gives you a full mechanisms of control. First, you have to create account and sign in.

Niostreamer web panel has API capabilities. Your account has special Access Key and Secret Key, you can see this information on API Access page:

Niostreamer instance can be registered in control panel using the credentials above. The process is simple: you tell streamer instance to register itself in control panel. When started Niostreamer instance opens local HTTP port 8080 to make local interactions with media server and control panel. Registration can be done by running curl command with provided API credentials:

Niostreamer instance is registered and can be seen on Instances page:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/saas/instances/register \
     -H "X-Account-Key: DD1SLNMM6PUJHBWXT390" \
     -H "X-Account-Secret: etYkOZ0oBj8DJrO5Sb82ibhh9r5IoYZqPctnyHRC"

Niostreamer instance is registered and can be seen on Instances page: