October 14, 2020

facebook ad trends

The importance of studying the Facebook like button with 1.44 billion monthly active user in early 2015 ,facebook is the leading social networking site in most countries worldwide .for younger generations,facebook is not only a tool or an application on the internet but also a ubiquitous level of reality,where the boundaries between online and offline actions are increasingly blurred (wittkover,2014).especially for users of the facebook mobile client,checking status updates and interacting with facebook friend have become part of their daily routine .

1.first ,liking an object (post, comment,photo)is one of the most common,easily conducted,and simple forms of activity on facebook . In may 2013 ,users liked as astonishing 4.5 billoin object every day .

2.second ,in economic terms,the like button is a central element in the emerging reputation-based cluster of business models that power a growing share of web-based companies.

3.Third,the like button also has importance political implication and uses .the pros and cons of liking are frequently evoked in dicussions concerning social media and political participation.

The like button was designed to let other users know that you enjoyed their comment ,post,or picture. since using the like button is an inherently social signal,in order to understand its nature and use must look beyond the properties of individual users and likes objects.

Facebook users write ,like,and share various objects in public in front of crowed of friends ,relatives ,colleagues,etc..,whom they have invited oe accepted as their facebook friends,and with whom they maintain various kinds of social relations through facebook and otherwise . however, at the same time ,facebook users are not always aware that a discussion that has the intimacy of a private conversation might actually be visible not only to thr facebook  friends of both participants but also to a much larger network of third-step contact,depending on the privacy setting of both users.

when studying  liking activity, this personal network audience ,this personal network audience ,this personal network audience has to be investigated at a closer range .As we previously noted,the network of users who can see an action is not always clear ,the subjective perception of this network might matter at least as much as the actual network .

The growing research on facebook in general,and the deabates on the economic and political significance of like button use in particular, the social accept of the use this facebook features have not, to our knowledge, his been extensively studeies. In this studies , we thus focus on the social praticies ,motives, and norms affecting the use the like button.

we will exime the most minute and fleeting moments of facebook users behaviours and maintain that this activity is bounded , among other think by ritual elements of social interation reminiscent of those that govern face to face interaction.

How this tool works ?

It is simple and easiest way to get instant auto likes on facebook status , photos and feed . If you want to use this then you need to generate access to login into any facebook auto liker tool.