September 29, 2020

RDR2 Fan 3D Motion Graphic Blog

Hey everyone!
It's been two weeks since I started working on the RDR2 3D Motion Graphics video. Those were the most intensive weeks in my life I must say, but it is extremely interesting since I've never done this before. Not even a bit.
You might be wondering, why RDR2? Well, guess what.. I'm a RDR2 fan myself and now I'm playing it on the next level!

Here's how it goes. The process of creating a 3D motion graphic video is like building a spaceship, but harder :D
It all starts with a rough visualization of your idea. It includes basic objects, their animation and the composition.

This is one of the first shots and the objects in it represent the base elements of the game - shooting, exploring, collecting, gold - the cornerstone of western.

You probably already got the idea of what this shot represents - desert. That's right, where do you think you can find another mesa? :)

Can you imagine making RDR2 based video and not including Arthur Morgan in it? I cannot.

What are those cubes and stuff you ask? The answer is - abstractionism. I wanted to stick to abstract vision of RDR 2 since that's one of the main principles of motion graphics. But hey, it's still a RDR2 video and it's a rough visualization.

To be continued.. of course!

So, what do you guys think? Do you find that interesting?