January 8, 2024

Massa | Mainnet 1.0


The Decentralized and Scaled network with a throughput of 10'000 tr/sec and 1000+ Nakamoto Coefficient.

Table of Content


Project Information


Server Requirements

What is being installed?


1. Preparation
2. Run your Massa Node
3. Create your Massa Wallet
4. Configuration
5. Faucet your wallet
6. Staking
7. Register your node
8. Update your Node



Community Contribution

Useful Links

Project Information

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Official Information:

Unofficial Information


Current blockchains that scale to high transaction throughputs are either centralized or unsafe. Massa is designing a new architecture, called the Blockclique, that scales transaction throughput up to 10,000 transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization nor security. Massa's architecture is based on transaction sharding in a multithreaded block graph. Massa is a Proof-of-stake blockchain.

Server Requirements

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⠀Recommendations from the team (VPS/VDS/DS):
8 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1TB disk and a decent internet connection.

What is being installed?

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⠀ The project consists of several applications:

  • Node - creates blocks, is launched by a service file for smooth operation;
  • Client - allows you to interact with the wallet and the network using various commands. Runs when needed during a running node.


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⠀ Each subsection is a separate type of installation, you need to choose one of them.

1. Preparation

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Update packages

sudo  apt update &&  sudo  apt upgrade -y

Open your ports

sudo ufw allow 31244 && sudo ufw allow 31245 && sudo ufw allow 22

Enable your firewalls

sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status

Install required packages

sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev libclang-dev cmake

Install rustup and configure your path

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Follow the instruction and press 1 to install.

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Install nightly and set it as default

rustup default 1.74.1

rustup toolchain install 1.74.1 && rustup default 1.74.1

Check rust version

rustc --version

Clone the massa repo

git clone

2. Run your Massa Node

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Start the node:

cd massa/massa-node/ && tmux

Launch the node, on Ubuntu:

./massa-node -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt

RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt

change <PASSWORD> with a password of your choosing
Your node should be up now, you can close the window

  • Open Another Window

Start the client:

cd massa/massa-client/ && cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>

Your client should be running now, you can close your client type.

Replace <PASSWORD> with your password
type ctrl + c to leave

3. Create your wallet

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Still on the same window,

A. Start the Client

Start the interactive Client and load a wallet file:

cargo run --release — -p <PASSWORD>

replace <PASSWORD> with your password

If you are running Massa node for the first time;

Generate a new private key 🗝 and associated public key/ address; run the code below in the command prompt

generate private key


If you already have one from a previous wallet;

If you are using BearBy wallet:

log into you account
Click on the Setting icon below the page as show in image
click on security and Privacy
Export Private key
Impute your wallet password
Click on the export key
your private key gets revealed
Copy your private key

replace <your_private_key> with your save wallet private key.

you can add manually an existing private key:

wallet_add_secret_keys <your_private_key>

B. View your Massa wallet details

The list of addresses and keys of your wallet can be accessed with:


C. Register your wallet private key to your node;


node_start_staking <your_wallet_address>

Very Important: Ensure to save these keys (private and public keys) and also your address; if you lose it you have lost control of your wallet; protect it

You can always close your client with the command


4. Configuration

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Nodes in the Massa network need to establish connections between them to communicate, propagate blocks and operations, and maintain consensus and synchrony all together.

In Massa, nodes are non-routable by default and require a manual operation to be made routable. To do this you need to configure your node

cd && cd massa/massa-node/config
vim config.toml

then press i on your keyboard; this creates and input mode. Copy and paste this

routable_ip = "AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD"

replace AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD with your ip-address

After editing the config.toml file, press esc button on your keyboard, then type :wq to exit and save your changes.

Next, Restart your node to effect the configuration update

Congratulations!!! you have just set up and registered your Massa Mainnet node

useful links

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Official site of the project | Official Telegram group

Telegram announcement channel |Twitter

Discord | reddit | GitHub |