April 28, 2021

Surprising Sources of Income with Things You Already Own

Let’s be honest, who couldn’t do with some extra sources of income? But while side hustles like becoming a YouTuber or starting a blog can be lucrative in the long-term, they often require a lot of time and effort,Rickshaw for sale especially at the start.

Investing and other portfolio income sources are always an option. But unless you’re stock market-savvy, the financial outlay and potential losses can be off-putting.

Luckily, it’s easier than you realize to reap the rewards without the risk – by turning the things you already own into sources of passive income! From renting out your extra space in your home to selling your hair, keep reading to learn how to make more money with minimal effort!

Rent Out Your Extra Space to Boost Income Streams

This is one of the more obvious ways to make money from home. But, what you might not have realized is how much of a money-spinner renting out your current junk room could be.

If you’re not ready to share your home with a stranger full-time, listing your room on Airbnb of Homestay could be the best choice. Depending on the area you live in, you might only need to rent out your spare room for a few months each year to make a decent amount of extra money.

However, if hosting different people every night sounds like too much hassle, you may prefer to find a lodger to live with you on a more permanent basis. In particular, this could be ideal for those of you who often stay at your partner’s house or who travel a lot for work.

Host International Students

If you have a spare room and enjoy meeting people from all over the world, hosting international students offers an ideal source of income.

As with vacation renting, you specify when you’re free and when you’re not. But hosting tourists means taking bookings from anyone with an Airbnb account. In contrast, the agencies that connect hosts and students, including USH Host and Homestay, are careful to find matching profiles.

Because of this, hosting international students can be a better option for families and older homeowners than renting out a spare room.

As well as providing a bedroom with basic furniture and a chance for the student to practice English, a host’s duties depend on the agency. For example, some agencies require hosts to provide meals and some don’t. Or, if you prefer not to go through an agency, you could offer your services as a host to schools in your local area.

Rent Out Additional Properties

Whether it’s your family lake house or the apartment you inherited from your late aunt, leaving a property empty runs the risk of squatters moving in. But, more importantly, it’s a missed opportunity to supplement your current income sources with a monthly rent check or regular Airbnb payments.

Depending on how far away the rental is from your main home, you might want to get in touch with an agency to manage it as a standard rental or vacation rental. But, if it’s nearby, aside from a little prep work to get it ready and cleaning up after guests, renting out your second home is an easy option to rake in some passive income.

Become a Stache Host

It’s clear that there are a lot of different ways to earn income by renting out a spare room or entire piece of real estate. But if you’re not comfortable about the thought of inviting people into your home, becoming a Stache host could be the perfect solution.

No doubt you’re familiar with self-storage units, where people pay to stow away everything from furniture to workplace equipment. Stache operates like Airbnb for storage, offering you the opportunity to turn your spare room, garage, or even the space under your bed into your own private storage unit.

What’s more, you can also rent out your garage or parking space to Stache renters looking to keep their car off-road for a premium.

We think you’ll agree that sharing your home with a few boxes or making space in your garage for a car is a lot easier than making room for a lodger or a steady stream of vacationers!

All you have to do to become a host is list your space for free with a couple of photos, set your price, and then wait for the offers to come in. And, since Stache prides itself on its focus on keeping things local, hosts often end up renting out space to their friends and neighbors in the community.

Turn Your Backyard Into a Private Campground

One of the more surprising sources of income involves turning your backyard into a private campground.

If you’re blessed with a spacious lawn, you can rent it out to glampers and backpackers via Hip Camp. Bear in mind, though, that you’re more likely to attract potential campers if you live near a place of natural wonder such as a prime surfing spot or a national park.

Rent Out Your Outdoor Space for Parties and Weddings

In the same way that you can make money from your home in various ways, there are different sources of income available to those of you with a sprawling backyard or excess outdoor space.

In particular, if your garden, barn, or the land surrounding your home is picturesque, it could be very attractive to people looking for the perfect rustic setting for a party or wedding reception.

Get in touch with local wedding and party planners to find out how much you could make renting out your outdoor space.

Rent Out Your Car

No garage, spare room, or backyard to rent out? How about a car? If so, this could prove to be one of the easiest passive income opportunities to capitalize on.

Truro and other car-sharing sites allow you to list your car and rent it out on a daily basis. Depending on where you live and the type of vehicle you have, it’s possible to make a good passive income renting it out whenever you’re not using it.

This is a particularly good option for city dwellers who rideshare or use public transport for their daily commute. After all, your car is likely sitting on the street or in your garage unused for most of the week.

Advertise With Your Car and Earn Passive Income

If you rely on your car way too much to rent it out, don’t worry – an alternative option is to use your car as ad space.

While it might be one of the more surprising sources of income, there are now several websites that pay you to showcase ads while you drive. Carvertise, for example, pays up to $100 a month to advertise on your car, although they have to be advertising in your area for you to qualify.

If you use your car a lot, Wrapify could be the better option. With Wrapify, you have to track your location and mileage. You’ll qualify for more ads the more miles you drive, making you up to a respectable $200 of passive income a month in the process.

Sell Unwanted Belongings

Not only can decluttering boost your mental well-being, but selling on your clutter is a great way to make some extra cash too. And, if you do a really good job of clearing out your unwanted items, you might even have enough space to rent it out for storage, so it’s a win-win!

Not sure what kinds of items could be potential sources of income? Here are some ideas:

Smartphones and Electronics

If you upgrade your cell phone every couple of years, you’re bound to have a few old phones stashed in a drawer. While these older models might seem out-of-date to you, sites like NextWorth and Gazelle pay a good rate for old cell phones, as well as old tablets and other electronics.

Furniture and Home Accessories

If you’ve recently moved house or have inherited lots of furniture from a relative, selling it on Craigslist is a great way to make some one-off passive income.

Don’t think that furniture and home accessories have to be antique to sell well second-hand either. Some people even love taking on battered old furniture to use as part of a DIY project!


College textbooks, rare books, and hardbacks are some of the best-sellers if you’re looking to declutter your shelves and make some easy passive income in the process.

Baby Clothes, Toys, and Accessories

They might be small but babies sure come with a lot of stuff. From bouncers and play mats to strollers and high chairs, taking these items out of storage and selling them on is a fast and easy way to make some extra cash.

If your little ones aren’t so little anymore, you’re also sure to have boxes of baby clothes that any new parents would happily take off your hands. To maximize your income from selling baby clothes, bundle basics together and sell nicer items like coats, dresses, and knitted clothes separately.

Bikes and Scooters

Like baby accessories, children’s bikes and scooters have a limited lifespan and can be expensive to buy new. This makes selling them second-hand an easy option if you’re looking to make space in your garage and some cash at the same time. That said, adult bikes in good condition sell well too.

Sell Your Hair

Do you have lovely long tresses that even Rapunzel would be envious of? If so, your luscious locks could be the key to one of the most surprising sources of income – selling your hair.

With this in mind, if you feel like going short for a change, don’t even think of heading to the hair salon until you find out how much sites like BuyandSellHair.com might pay for your offcuts.

The color and condition of your hair will affect the price you’ll receive. But, if it meets the standards set by hair-buying sites, it could be the easiest money you ever made.

Rent Your Backyard Out to Beekeepers

Keeping bees and selling honey is one of the more active types of income you can pursue if you have a backyard. Although, you can also make passive income from bees by keeping hives in your yard.

Some states limit the number of hives backyard beekeepers can keep on their land. By offering your space up to them, you could net yourself a sweet percentage of their honey harvest profits.

Sell Surplus Garden Produce

If you have a vegetable garden or fruit trees in your backyard, selling excess produce to your neighbors or local produce stands could be an easy way to make some extra passive income.

People will often pay a premium for organic produce, especially if your backyard is home to rare varieties of fruits and vegetables that are difficult to find in stores. And, if you often grow more produce than you can eat, it’s a great way to stop food from going to waste.

Sell Your Trees

While we’re on the subject of trees, did you know you can make money selling unwanted trees on your land to a commercial landscaper? In particular, mature trees and rarer species can be worth a lot of money.

So, whether you want the trees in your yard gone because they’re blocking the view or require too much upkeep, contact an arborist in your local area to find out their potential resale value before you chop anything down.

What’s more, if you sell to a commercial landscaper, they’ll often chop it down for you, saving you a lot of hard work too.

Turn the Things You Already Own Into Surprising Sources of Income

We bet you never imagined that your hair, the space under your bed, or your excess garden produce could all be legit sources of income.

But, as this guide shows, there’s a lot of money to be made from things you already own, no matter how surprised you are at the value they might hold for others.

For more information on making passive income streams with next-to-no effort, feel free to contact us here at Stache today!

How to Use Extra Spaces in Your Home as Sources of Income for You and Your Partner

Do you live in a large apartment or home? Do you happen to have extra space you’re not sure how to use?

If so, you’re in luck. These extra empty spaces in your home can be great and easy income streams.

Most people don’t think about the potential benefits a spare bedroom, extra garage space, or a large yard offers. All of these unused amenities offer untapped money-making potential. The more space you have, the more money you can make.

Another benefit to renting out extra space in your home is it helps you organize and declutter. Are you tired of looking at the old junk sitting in your garage or shed? Choosing to clean and rent space will motivate you to get rid of old items you no longer need.

If you’re looking for creative income streams, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s how you can make money with the extra spaces in your home.

Rent the Room to a Housemate

Those with an unused bedroom can rent the space to a housemate. Renting a space to a full-time roommate is one of the most lucrative to make money.

Sharing your home can seem daunting. Especially when you don’t know who that person is or what their lifestyle is like. The last thing you want to do is rent to someone you don’t get along with.

Most have positive experiences with roommates. Not only will they help you make or save money on your home, but they can also make your home feel less lonely and become a life-long friend. Living with a housemate will improve your compromising, negotiating, and sharing skills which will help you grow.

Do you think having a housemate is only for young single people? Today, all ages in all stages of life live with housemates. This includes married couples, parents, and even retirees. Basically, anyone looking to create more income streams.

What to Know

Before you open your house to a housemate, there are a few things you’ll want to do first. You may want to start cleaning your spare room and home to make it look presentable. Doing so will make your home look more alluring and increase your chances of renting the space.

You’ll become both a landlord and a roommate when you rent out a room, especially if you’re the sole owner of your home. Unlike an advertising relationship, side job, trading index funds, or getting lucky on stock picks or who wants to be a millionaire, renting makes you a boss and means you have more responsibilities.

From a landlord standpoint, you’ll need to screen any housemate candidates. This includes checking their credit score, verifying income, and their previous housing.

As both a roommate and a landlord, you should meet with them to feel for their personality and lifestyle. You’ll want to look for a candidate that’s compatible with you and your lifestyle to ensure living together is easy and stress-free.

Host a Temporary Visitor

Have you’re heard of rental sites like Stache? Being a rental host is easier than you think and doesn’t require you to buy a second property or vacation home. Hosting a visitor is an easy way for homeowners or renters to make some extra cash without continuously living with someone.

Hosting a visitor gives you the flexibility to make your schedule. Don’t want guests staying during the week or have friends or family visiting? No problem, you can pick which weekends or days your space is available for rent.

Many hosts rarely see their guests as guests are usually busy visiting sites or exploring events. By renting your spare room a few times each month, you can make enough money to cover your rent or the majority of your mortgage.

What to Know

Hosting is relatively easy and doesn’t require you to live full-time with someone. As mentioned above, you’ll want to ensure your home and the room you’re renting are clean and presentable. No one wants to stay in a dirty or messy place.

When you rent your space to an unknown guest, you’ll need to make some ground rules. This gives them guidance on how to use the space respectfully.

You won’t be able to screen your guests like you can with a potential housemate. There’s also the risk you may get an undesirable guest. While rare, you may want to consider locking up any valuables and requesting payment information upon reservation.

Finally, you will have to do some additional cleaning after they leave. This may include washing bedding, towels, dishes, and cleaning.

Rent Out Your Garage

Have a spacious garage that sits nearly empty year-round? Garages are a desirable commodity for expensive vehicles, recreational sports gear, and large mechanical tools. A garage also makes a great storage unit for others. This is a vastly underused passive income stream just waiting for you.

With the gig economy’s rising popularity, many are comfortable with skipping corporate rental and storage companies. Some even prefer the personalized connection and extra privacy of renting from a single person.

There’s a demand for spaces that can store a boat, RV, or other vehicles. If you have a large garage that can house any of these, you’re sure to find a demand and the ability to charge a higher rent and build a bigger passive income stream. Other potential storage spaces could include your basement, attic, or other interior spaces.

What to Know

As with any space you rent out, it needs to be clean and presentable. The ideal garage space should allow renters to access it at any time. These storage areas should have their own entrance and the ability to lock for security.

Rent Your Space to an Artist

Artists and creatives love having a separate space to set up their studio space. Photographers need a space for photoshoots or a darkroom to develop photos.

Most corporate or company studio spaces cost as much, if not more, than some apartment rent. Artists and creatives who freelance, who are in school, or don’t make enough money can’t afford these high studio rents. Make your space welcoming and hospitable to the creation of video lessons and creativity so they can also create additional streams of income for themselves to get an ROI on their paying your income source.

Renting to creative individuals benefits both you and the creative. You’ll be able to earn a little extra income while they can enjoy a studio space for a fraction of the cost.

Not sure if your available space is a good fit for an artist? Ask your artistic friends or post it on a rental site, like Stache, and see what happens. Many artists can see the potential in a space.

What to Know

Renting out studio space helps others while giving you extra cash flow. There are, however, artists and creatives who prefer to work at night or other unusual times of the day. You may need to give them around-the-clock access.

You may have musicians inquire about your available studio space. You’ll need to decide if you’re okay with the sounds and music a musician will make.

Rent Out a Parking Spot

Those with off-street parking in the city or a crowded neighborhood could make a little extra money by renting out a parking spot. This is a perfect option for those who don’t have a car or have more parking spots than needed.

Finding a decent and safe parking spot in an urban area can be hard. Many places have a high demand for off-street parking. Commuting professionals, students, and neighbors who don’t have off-street parking are willing to pay for a parking spot.

You don’t have to live deep within the hustle and bustle of the city to rent out a parking spot. Many are willing to park their vehicles in the suburbs or an area near public transportation.

Those in rural areas can rent out a portion of their driveway or yard to store a boat, camper, or an extra vehicle.

What to Know

This is one of the easiest and hassle-free ways to rent unused space. The only potential risk is someone may leave or forget about their vehicle or stuff for a long time. Fortunately, this is rare, and you can always call someone to tow it away at the owner’s expense.

Rent Your House While You’re Away

Those who regularly spend time away from their home by traveling or working can rent out their entire house!

Renting your entire home is similar to renting a room. Larger groups going on a family vacation or visiting for an event will like the extra space and privacy renting an entire home has to offer. Since you’re renting out more space, you can charge a higher amount for rent.

With rising rents, those who are rarely home will sublet their entire apartment on a rental site for guests to use. Some have made enough money to cover their entire rent and make a profit. Saving money on rent, or a mortgage, lets you spend more on the hobbies and activities you enjoy.

What to Know

Renting your entire home when you’re not using it is a pretty easy way to earn extra income and create additional income streams. However, it’s not a completely passive income stream. Like renting a room, you’ll need to clean it between guests and ensure everything is presentable.

While stealing is rare, you may want to lock up or remove your valuable items if you don’t want them disappearing or getting broke.

Board Pets

Do you love animals? If you have a large house or yard and a soft spot for pets, why not board pets when their owners are away?

Temporarily boarding pets is a fun and exciting way to earn a little extra cash. Pet boarding, however, isn’t a passive way to earn income as it requires you to work. Pets, particularly dogs and larger pets, need more care and attention.

If you have space, like a large yard or a spacious kennel, plenty of pets are happy to put the space to good use. All the while, you earn some extra cash and add another income stream to your portfolio boosting your net worth.

You’ll also have the flexibility to choose which days or weeks you’re available to house pets. You can host one pet at a time and set limits on pet sizes and breeds.

What to Know

Pet boarding requires additional work on your end. Besides having space, you need to make sure your yard and home are safe for pets of all sizes and ages. You’ll also need to have extra pet food on hand, along with tools to clean waste and toys for recreation.

Temporarily boarding pets require less work than a child, but some pets may need additional supervision. If you find that you love boarding pets, you can make it into a full-time job. Pet owners are always looking for reliable and caring folks to board their pets.

Special Event Renting

Do you have a spacious home or rental in a gorgeous area? Special events, such as weddings, graduations, and birthday parties, can get expensive, especially when you need a nice space to fit many friends and families comfortably.

Private houses and spacious backyards make lovely event spaces. Many prefer an outdoor wedding in a backyard over the expensive spaces of a country club or event venue.

Renting your home or yard for a special event is an exciting way for you to earn extra income. You’ll be helping couples and families find a beautiful space for a fraction of the cost. Offering your extra space and yard as an alternative wedding venue is a lucrative way you can earn a lot of money over the course of a weekend or a single day.

You’ll also have the flexibility to choose event dates and what types of events you host on your land.

What to Know

If you decide to rent your home or yard as an event space, you’ll want it to look presentable. Consider adding flowers, a garden, or improving the health of your grass. Make sure to set limits on the types of events to avoid any awkward or potentially illegal activity.

Try These Unique Sources of Income Today

These unique income streams are wonderful ways to earn extra cash while utilizing your home’s empty spaces. With so many options available, there are options for anyone in almost any size home. You’ll meet great individuals and will love the extra income stream you can create.

Do you want to start hosting? Sign up today, and we’ll connect you with others who need a space to rent.

How to Turn Your Extra Bedroom or Garage Into Sources of Income

If you have not been considering empty spaces in your home as sources of income, you are seriously missing out. There are a ton of unique ways that you can rent out an extra bedroom or rent out garage space to make some extra passive income.

It does not matter how big or small your space is. Many who have small apartments or are relocating always need storage space or an area to get some work done.

By providing any non-occupied rooms you have, you can charge a good amount of money to cover some of your monthly housing payments. Here are all the different options for how to get practically passive income from your empty space.

Get a Temporary House Mate

Although most prefer living alone or with their own loved ones, getting a temporary housemate is a great source of income. You may balk a little at the idea of sharing your home with a stranger, but most experiences with housemates are positive.

You may even get along well with some of them and become lifelong friends while charging them, of course. Sharing a space with another person can force you to compromise and become more accommodating.

However, if you live alone and are uncomfortable with the consistent silence, it may be nice to have someone around. You can find out all the things you have in common, and even prepare meals together or have movie nights.

However, keep in mind that you are bringing a housemate and not a friend or family member. This is where you will need to assume two different roles. You can be a friend, but you also need to be their landlord.

Being a landlord will require you to be firm regarding rent payments on time, cleanliness, and maintenance issues. Outline all your terms and rules in an official contract for them to sign.

This way, you can be more of a friend while they still respect you as their landlord since everything is discussed beforehand to avoid awkward conversations later.

For your safety, screen all prospective housemates carefully. Verify their credit cards, credit score, housing history, and income. Then you can have peace of mind knowing that you will not have to chase them for rent money.

Ask questions about their lifestyle and habits to ensure that your personalities will not clash with each other.

Rent Your Spare Rooms

If you do not want to get a housemate for a long time, you can advertise an empty room or two as vacation rentals. This will bring in a lot of cash without the full-time problems of sharing your home with a stranger that you need to keep an eye on all the time.

You do not need to rent the room all the time. You can pick and choose to rent out your extra bedroom for certain weeks, or even just a couple of weekends a month. When someone goes on a holiday, they want to get the most comfortable and inexpensive options.

Many are straying from booking hotel rooms because the prices skyrocket during holidays and special events. If you price your home affordably and maintain a good rating on different holiday rental sites, you can get consistent business and a lot of income in your wallet.

The best part is that vacationers are always on the move. If they are in town for a short time, they will want to go sightseeing as much as possible. By the time they get back, they will be exhausted and want to go straight to sleep.

This way, you can have most of the house to yourself and rarely cross paths. Folks who rent out their rooms on Airbnb and other platforms always rave about how this is the easiest money they ever made.

Set the availability to any schedule you like because you will have complete control to determine when others can come and stay. Like housemates, you can also decide who can rent it and who cannot.

Rent Out Your Full Home

If you are not using your home and want to go on holiday or spend a couple of weeks with family, you should consider renting out your property to make some money. At times, you may even need to be at another location for work, and the house could be sitting empty for several weeks or months.

This is where you can advertise the property to those who want to come and stay. Depending on how much you charge vacationers, you could make back about a month’s rent from subletting.

Then you can use the extra rental income to go on even more holidays or spend on buying new furniture and loads of other things to improve your quality of life. Having extra sources of income like this will also boost your savings rate significantly, offsetting your other expenses.

Accessory Dwelling Units

Accessory dwelling units can also be called granny flats, income suites, or in-law suites. These are like garage or basement apartments that you can rent out to people without anyone getting in your way.

Most people prefer these types of units because they do not need to walk through your main home to access the bathroom or kitchen. When you create an accessory dwelling unit, you gain a self-contained living space either on or inside your property that you can rent out to bring a lot of consistent income.

This is also a form of house hacking, where you are a landlord using your home as a major source of income to offset a lot of personal expenses. Some use this method to cover their whole housing payments.

Then they end up living in their own property for free without stressing about the mortgage because the rental income pays those off.

Have a look around your home and see which spaces you can convert into a kitchen, kitchenette, and a small bathroom. This could either be in the basement, attic, or even a closed garage if you do not have any cars.

Alternatively, invest and buy small houses for this purpose and add significant rental income streams to get to fund other housing costs.

Rent Out Garage Space

Renting self-storage units can be costly. However, thanks to the ongoing gig economy, they do not need expensive units in remote areas when they can rent affordable ones closer to home from people like you.

Garages are incredible because you can provide customers their own 24-hour access without getting disturbed. Many basements also have their own entrances that gives your guest the freedom to come in and out undisturbed.

Attics and other spare rooms that you do not use can also be rented out for storage for different sources of income. However, you may need to accept that guests may need to journey through the main house. If you have guests over or want some privacy to be alone, this can be inconvenient.

Revolutionizing Storage Space

If you convert an empty space into a storage unit, you can expect to earn a generous income that will beat having a side hustle. Platforms like Stache are famously known as the “Airbnb of storage.”

Instead of booking vacation homes, people can now use a revolutionary platform to book their storage space, and you can be their host. Customers can jump online to browse listings for a space that fits their budget and belongings.

Then they can reach out to hosts in the area and find out more information about the space provided to ensure it meets their needs. When someone wants to book your garage to store their personal items, they can request to book it, and you have the option to accept or request their booking.

Prices are usually charged per square foot instead of items, which customers love because they can store as much as possible. Folks are paying for space and not the number of items they can keep in your home.

Once you accept a customer’s request, they will reach out to you to schedule a drop-off time. You do not need to do much because they will organize their own transport to bring all the items that need to be stored. These options are rising in popularity because they are up to 80% cheaper than the ones offered by storage companies.

While hosts rake in thousands of dollars a month, customers find the prices more affordable to store their items longer. If you can fit a yacht or an RV in your garage, you can charge premium prices to make even more money.

Convert Your Garage Into a Parking Space

In cities, there is always a competition to score parking, no matter how expensive it is. Most people park their cars near a metro station to get to work.

This is because they cannot spend a lot of time circling around looking for available parking spots and do not want to spend a fortune per hour when they finally find one.

If you live near urban areas and do not use your garage, you should rent it to workers or tourists throughout the year. This way, they will benefit from having a guaranteed parking spot in the city and close to work, and you can see a lot of numbers increasing in your bank balance as passive income.

Provide Artistic Spaces

The starving artist always looks for studio spaces to paint their inspirations. If you have an additional room or basement that you do not use, you should turn it into an art room and rent it out to artists. Even photographers need dark rooms for photoshoots.

Your unused rooms can provide many amenities for artists who will pay a pretty penny for an affordable workspace. It does not matter at all if you are an artist or not. Your empty areas can still be a great fit for someone.

It is always helpful to advertise rooms and reach out to potential customers to see if anyone in your area is interested. You may be amazed by the number of hits your ads will get.

Rent Out Extra Bedroom as Film Sets

Moviemakers are always looking for a fresh set to feature in their films, and they always have the budget to pay handsomely. The spaces they look for are outdoor areas, commercial spaces, and suburban homes.

This is one of the best income sources because movies are lots of fun, and your home could be credited as a filming location for the next blockbuster. However, this can be a pain if you enjoy a lot of privacy.

Many crew are involved in making movies, and you will need to cope with hordes of filmmakers coming in and out repeatedly to get plenty of shots. They may also need to spend several hours a day at your home to complete filming scenes.

This can be noisy if you prefer silence during an afternoon nap. The house can also get messy because they may not always care to remove their shoes by the door. To earn even more money from filmmakers, you can offer to cater for their shoots.

It is convenient for them because they can access all the food at your house instead of organizing the logistics of bringing in meals and caterers from different locations.

You do not need to be a professional chef to cater for a film set. They are always busy working and will enjoy some delicious sandwiches, basic snacks, and a free flow of coffee and tea throughout the day.

Do Not Miss Out on Sources of Income

Any homeowner with extra space in or outside their property can start profiting from these sources of income. You do not need to be an expert landlord or have any specialized skills.

Renting out your property has never been easier because the demand for storage space is significantly high. With a platform like Stache, the process is seamless.

The moment your listing is up, you will start getting bookings and money in your bank that will make you wonder why you left all that space empty in the first place. Join our platform today and become a host to start earning some decent income for your space.