October 26, 2020


It is called the fruit machine in England, Australians call it the poker machine and in America they are know as slot machines, and the games are usually played in a casino. They have sensors built in so that they nungtidta can tell what type of currency has been inserted in order to play. Once the money has been inserted, a lever on the side of the machine is pulled and three or more reels spin. This game of chance has also been called a one-armed bandit because of its looks and also because it has the tendency to "rob" players of all their money.

In 1891, there was a machine invented for gambling that was a forerunner to the slot machine of today. It held 50 face cards and was based loosely on poker. It was very popular and soon people began to play slot machines in many bars across New York.

People would insert a coin and pull the lever, which in turn would cause the drums to spin as well as the cards that were on them, and the person playing the slot would naturally be hoping for a winning hand of poker. A pair of aces may have earned you a beer, but a royal flush might have paid out in drinks or cigars.