Writing Task 2
Obesity is becoming a common disease in numerous countries, and reducing fitness activities and decline in health quality is noticeable as well. The reasons of that are effects of consumering era of humanity and lack of time in our noisy and busy world. In my opinion, promulgating healthy lifestyle can solve the former and the latter is an excuse which some people have to admit and find time for exercises.
The primary reason is that throughout last milennias humanity have been putting less and less efforts to reach any source of subsistence. The ancient humans had to make enormous efforts just to find any food whether it hunting or farming. Currently, it is enough to go to a supermarket for food products which could take only a half an hour at worst. Therefore, people underestimate having an access to supermarkets or shops which results into abusing their purchasing power. Moreover, most of bought food go into a rubbish bin because consumers usually buy more than necessary. Finally, most of population eat more than necessary because of unawareness at what price food comes to their tables.
The other considerable imaginary problem is lack of time. A lot of people complain about that problem caused mainly by busyness at work or other aspects of their life. However, in most situations it is just an excuse combined with effect of laziness. We usually tend to think about work problems instead of our health. Thus, we usually do not consider our priorities such as health, and we understand it's importance only by getting old. Although sometimes it seems hard, but if someone has desire to improve his or her quality of life, he or she will definitely find time for it.
The solution to mentioned problem is to propogandize healthy lifestyle. It would affect on mindset of consumers who would start to buy only necessary and healthy goods. Moreover, this will shed light on importance of our health. Public will start to recognize exercises and proper diets as compulsory aspects of their lives. For instance, bodybuilding is a healthy type of sport if you do it properly and consciously. However, till the day when Arnold Schwarzenegger became a famous actor it had been remaining unpopular. In order to fix it, Arnold started to propogandize bodybuilding and general healthy lifestyle among schools and jails, and there were noticeable increases in amount of people who go to the gym and search for advises of diet experts. It is not necessary to be a famous actor, it is enough to be an example to others which contains doing basic exercises and eat healthy, thereby making people who surround you to copy what you do.
To conclude, the main reasons for declines in health and overweight are almost limitless access to goods and made-up excuses about lack of time in modern world. In order to solve this problem, we just have to start living healthy and try to show others the way how it could be amazing to have a good body and strong health.