Many people find it hard to balance their work with other parts of their lives. What are the reasons for this? How can this problem be overcome?
Some people struggle with the fact that work has overshadowed other parts of their casual life. From my point of view, it is because of lack of priorities in most of population. Discovering life purpose and self-development would be ideal to solve that problem.
It is not the secret that money is the center of life for some of us. A person, who prioritizes money instead of other more precious aspects of life, usually complains about lack of time for family, hobbies etc. People often forget their main priorities in life. They think that working more is always better. However, happiness can not be reached only by large amount of money or success in your career. The best illustration for the problem is the "rat race". It is about that trying to make the necessary amount of money for survival without caring about your own wishes could cause infinite cycle of unhappiness. Thus, killing the desire to develop yourself and your own life.
The solutions, on the other hand, are simple and obvious. The one who tries to determine own life purpose will have a full image of events in life. Therefore, priorities, which based on this image, would guide your acts, thoughts, and so on. Consequently, you would feel yourself happy, since you do the best choice based on your priorities. Moreover, actions that you do for self-determination are directly connected with other aspect of life - self-development. If you develop yourself, it already means that you are having time for yourself. Finally, full package of considered solutions give us the strong foundation of our personality which balances our life aspects.
To conclude, working purposeless cause hesitations and anxieties about other parts of life. However, setting priorities and never stopping self-development hold a person's mind clear, thus subconsciously balancing his or her life.