August 27, 2020

Making a motion video for Euphoria

Hey eveeryone, today I wanna share a piece of making a motion video for one of the best tv shows ever "Euphoria" First of all- Im not a bot and this is just volunteer work, I thought that u could give me some support for my new beginning and check it out.Thank uu!!!

So first step made was to ask people on forums and so on about this series.
Almost all of the fans said they love Euphoria for music, camera work ,characters and of course colours.(btw most common answer about color association with Euphoria were blue and purple)So I made a moodboard to clarify my thoughts and ideas about the video

Next step is blocking(not blocking your ex hehe)
So I made a first stage of the video - shapes and animation. next step will be colours and lightning and then textures .
Here are some parts:

Its hard cause I never used it before but I love it and really hope to make this video as good as I imagine. Thank you for your attention!<3