January 5, 2023

How to set up conversion postback API via Telegram?

In this article, I will show you how to set up notifications about your conversions in Telegram from Affiliate Network.

1. Go to Telegram, wrote in the search: @botfather

Click on the start button and go to the menu:

2. Choose the command "/newbot", write the name of your bot and username for your bot. It must end in "bot". For example: NoNameBOT or noname_bot:

3. Check if the bot has been created.

Find your bot in search and write a message:

Then paste the link in the browser:<bot_token>/getUpdates and replace <bot_token> with your token as shown in the screenshot below

"<bot_token>" - bot token, specified in the last BotFather message.

If everything is ok, you should get the same message, and take your ID. You can find it here: {"message_id":1,"from":{"id":your_id,"is_bot":false,

If you didn't get the message, try to send it again.

4. Let's check the correctness of the bot.

Go to the link:<bot_token>/sendMessage?chat_id=<id>&text=<text>, where you should change:
<bot_token> - your bot token (from @botfather)
<id> — your ID that you take from browser
<text> — write any text (for example: "test")

If everything is ok, the bot will send you the message that you specified in the “text” macro.

5. Set up a postback in Affiliate Network

Go to the postback settings in the user panel of affiliate network and find a "sent GET parameters".

Choose the parameters that you need and add it to your postback link. For example:

After you configured postback URL, you should add it in the user panel of affiliate network and click "Do the test".

After test will be done, you should go to your Telegram bot and check the results.

As you can see on the screenshot, the test was done correctly. The chosen parameters were passed to your bot. You can also change the appearance of information that comes in your bot using Unicode/UTF-8. For configuration appearance you can use Cryptii. Also you can find more emoticons with unicode on Github.

My template of appearance you can download here: Unicode Template

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