I'm sad.
Thought about my ex wife today. Wouldn't go that road again but I did miss her a bit. I'm lonely, dating apps sucks.
What if I will die alone? I'm only 25, I shouldn't think about it, but I don't know if I can find right person. I don't understand, I thought I did everything right, but there is no right or wrong. I don't understand people who use drugs for their problems, it's not a solution, it's just another problem.
I feel like life goes by, I missing out, I need to go out more, and actually do something with my life. Have fun, doing stupid stuff, feeling world, enjoying as much as possible. But all of this is just words, I found article about 7 things to do when you are bored, one of them was to write. Sure look like I wrote something. Started quite depressing, but I'm feeling much better.
I don't think I'll ever going start drinking. What is actually good, but I don't know how can I meet new people. In this freaking town bunch bars, don't know about clubs, but sure doesn't look there's one.
I have no friends yet. At least real friends, everyone wrapped up in their own stuff.
I learnt blind typing method, what is actually pretty awesome. I love it, always wanted to type freely, I'm still making a lot mistakes, but I am much better than used to be.
I'm feeling better. So... I'm done typing my crap.