September 4, 2024

Multy Shorts in Youtube

Preparing files and other data to run the script

Google Accounts

Format email:password:reservemail:reservemailpassword (it is possible without password to additional email).

Normal purchased Google accounts should be clean, strictly one-handed, no Google or YouTube blocking and preferably not requiring verification by phone number (If such an account is encountered, MultiShorts can verify these accounts through SMS activation services.).

If you want more trust and a longer lifespan for the account:

1. Ensure that the country where the account was registered by the seller matches the GEO you set. (For example, if you plan to use GEO France when uploading and are using French proxies, the country where the account you purchase was registered should be France.)

2. The account should be 4-5 months old or older. Such accounts are less likely to be subject to bans, additional checks, etc. Google accounts with a low age might raise suspicions, especially if they start actively uploading videos immediately.

3. Check the seller's reviews before purchasing.


Format: ip:port:login:pass|proxychangelink or ip:port:login:pass or ip:port

Use high-speed proxies, confirming all details with your provider beforehand. High-speed proxies with low latency help avoid delays in content uploading and minimize the risk of failures during the process. This is especially important if you plan to upload large volumes of data or video files. Unstable or slow proxies can lead to connection interruptions, causing a stop in the upload stream. (Available formats for entry in the database or Excel: http, socks5 (IN THE EXCEL/TABLE DATABASE - USE ONLY THESE! NOT https, socks4, etc., but specifically https or socks5.))

Preparing the Excel file

In the "ExcelManual" file, you will find an Excel file template that you will need to use when importing accounts into the database.

Importing Accounts into the Database

Once you have prepared all the files/accounts, you can proceed with importing the accounts into the script's database..

To do this, go to the "Main" tab and configure the settings:

1. Threads – Choose the number of threads based on your PC's performance (affected by RAM and CPU). For importing, select one thread, while for other operating modes, you can choose your desired number!

2. Mode – Select the operating mode of the software.

3. Profiles path - Specify the path to the folder where the profiles created by the software will be stored. These profiles contain cookies, settings, etc.,

4. Go to the "Account import" tab.

5. In this section, specify the path to the Excel file (use the Excel file STRICTLY in the format provided to you!!!).

6. After a successful import, you will be able to see the list of accounts in the database.

Further work with the accounts in other operating modes will be conducted not from Excel, but from the database. In the database, you can modify various account parameters, such as how many videos to upload, custom video descriptions, tags, etc.

Mode “Profiles setup”

This mode is necessary for authorizing Google accounts and subsequently creating YouTube channels. Profiles containing cookies, account settings, etc., will be created. (IF YOU CHANGE THE PATH TO THE CREATED PROFILES AFTER THEY ARE CREATED, YOU MUST MANUALLY UPDATE IT IN THE DATABASE)

1. Account Database – Select the tab from the database. If needed, you can select other tabs by first transferring the accounts to them.

2. Remove from the database accounts that require SMS verification – Accounts requiring verification from Google will be deleted.

3. Verify channels by phone number – If you want the accounts to be verified by phone through SMS activation services. (In this case, make sure to set “No” in the “Delete Google Accounts from DB that require phone verification” setting)

4. Banner Generation– A header will be generated on request ONLY if a folder containing banners is not specified in the database (after importing from Excel).

5. Profile picture Generation – An avatar will be generated on request ONLY if a folder containing avatars is not specified in the database (after importing from Excel).

6. Channel name Generation – The channel name will be generated on request ONLY if a specific name is not specified in the database (after importing from Excel).

7. Use the same title for all videos – Necessary if you want the same title to be set for all videos during the upload process in the subsequent operating mode.

7.1 Specify the video title.

8. Save data of registered accounts to txt file – A report of successfully registered accounts will be saved in a TXT file in the format Login:Password:ChannelLink.

8.1 Specify the path to a pre-created TXT file.

9. Do not fill in tags, descriptions, etc., from Excel on the accounts – During the channel setup stage, tags, descriptions, and other data from Excel will be ignored. Only the name, avatar, and settings will be applied to the channel.

Mode “Uploading videos”

1. Profile Load Mode – selecting a mode for proxies

1.1 Error if proxy does not work – An error will occur if the connection to the proxy cannot be established

1.2 Continue without a proxy – If the proxy fails to load, the script will not produce an error and will continue running.

2. Publish Mode – выбор режима публикации для видео

2.1 Publish immediately – The video will be published immediately

2.2 Deferred publication – The video will be published according to the user-defined settings

3. Consider the blacklist – Enables the video blacklist. If the video is on the blacklist, the script will select another video.

4. Leave a comment under the video – For each account, the script will post a comment specified in the database.

5. Delete Video After Uploading – If the video is successfully uploaded, it will be deleted from the folder.

6. Delete accounts from the database that are not ready to upload videos? – Removes accounts that, for some reason, failed to authorize and successfully set up a channel during Profile Preparation.

7. Save the video links in a TXT file after uploading – Specify the path to the txt file where the report on uploaded videos will be saved. Format of the saved report: Email:Password:Videolink

8. Use an alternative method of uploading videos – Select this option only if you encounter issues at the start of the video upload or if the script is incorrectly selecting files.

9. Accounts were not previously filled in when preparing the profile? – For each new video, the script will pull data (such as description, tags). These data can be modified in the database.

Mode “Watching random video”

This mode is needed to accumulate cookies in the profile and thoroughly warm up the account for greater trust. The script watches random videos, likes them, posts comments, etc

1. Time activity mode

1.1 Random activity time - Set a range, for example, from 5 to 20 minutes. During operation, the script will generate a time within this range, e.g., 8 minutes.

1.2 Fixed activity time – the account will be active only for the time you specified.

2. Path to txt file that contains search queries – Select the txt file that contains search queries for YouTube. The queries should be listed on separate lines, for example:

Rare historical footage from the 20th century

Incredible inventions that changed the world

Exploring abandoned places

Culinary secrets from top chefs

Amazing animal behavior and intelligence

3. Leave comments on the videos being watched? - Posts comments on random videos after viewing. In the txt file, comments should be listed on separate lines (as an example in point 2 above).

4. Leave likes or dislikes? – Likes or dislikes random videos after viewing. Specify the percentage ratio in the correct format: like/dislike (MUST BE SEPARATED ONLY BY THE "/" SYMBOL). For example, if you specify 60/40, this means a 60% chance of liking and a 40% chance of disliking.

Another modes

Manual mode – Essentially the same as a browser, it allows you to manually control profiles. After loading the profile and the YouTube page, you will be given manual control of the browser.

Save statistic – collects various YouTube account statistics