July 20, 2024

Multishorts instructions

# Purpose

The program is used to automatically upload videos and create Youtube Channels.

# Consumables

1. google (gmail) accounts with backup emails
2. Proxy for each account
3. Excel with prepared data for the channels

# Basic Program Settings

**Mode of operation** - is divided into 5 modes:

1. Import Accounts to DB.

The mode imports prepared channel data from Excel into the Database of the software for further work.

2. Preparing Profiles

The mode authorizes accounts from the database, creates a channel and fills it with avatar, tags, description, header and so on and so forth.

3. Uploading Videos

The mode starts uploading video content from the folder

4. Manual Mode

Mode gives you the ability to manage profiles manually.

5. Collect Statistics

This mode collects statistics on uploaded videos and the channel as a whole.

**Folder with Profiles** - specifies the folder from where the main profiles are loaded for work.

## Import Accounts to DB

Excel for Bay - an excel where you specify the accounts and data to be loaded.

## Prepare Profiles

Accounts database - this setting selects a segment-group from the accounts database. For example, in the database you can group channels into one group and name it “Channels by Product” and then choose this group for work or All.

Verify Channels by Number - has a Yes checkbox. This setting allows you to verify channels by number confirmation. This is important if you plan to upload videos longer than 15 minutes to your channels.

Avatar generation - this option allows you to get a picture from a ready-made remote database if you don't have a folder with ready-made avatars. The keyword is specified in English, for example, cat.

Generating a hat - this option allows you to get a picture from a ready-made remote database if you don't have a folder with ready-made hats. The keyword is specified in English, for example, cat.

Name generation - this option allows to generate a name for the channel in username.

## Loading Video

Profile Loading Mode-This option allows you to toggle the profile loading behavior:

1. **Fail if proxy is not loaded**

Serves to prevent profile upload without proxy, which is against anonymous operation. If the proxy suddenly expires or fails to connect to it, it will give an error in red in the log.

2. **Continue without proxy**

If it is necessary to continue working in case of proxy errors. Usually this can be used for testing profiles and other tasks if necessary or while proxies are temporarily unavailable so that profiles can work without them.

Publish Mode - this option allows you to switch the video publishing mode and is divided into 2 modes:

3. Publish Immediately

In this mode, videos will be published immediately after uploading to the public.

In this mode you can specify the link in the comment under the video immediately.

4. delayed Publish

In this mode, videos will be published after some time at a set interval.

For example, every 2 hours.

Fill Mode - this option allows you to switch the fill mode.

It is divided into 2 modes:

1. Fixed Interval (it will fill in increments of N hours)
2. USA time and weekdays (it has its own intervals)

Mon-Wednesday 19-20-21-21-22-23

Thurs-Fri: 18-19-20-20-21-22

Sat-Fri: 14-15-16-17-18

Fixed Interval (Hours) - specifies the fixed interval in hours.

Consider Blacklist - if YES is specified, videos with the same titles will not be repeated when uploaded.

Delete videos after uploading - videos will be deleted if YES is selected after uploading. This is important so that videos from the same shared folder will not overlap when uploaded to different channels.

Leave link in comments - this option allows you to leave a comment after uploading. It works only if “Publish Immediately” mode is selected.

## Api Keys Setup

CaptchaGuru Apikey - key for solving captcha in case of bad proxy during authorization.

OnlineSim Apikey - key to get temporary phone number for channel verification.

OnlineSim Country - country for receiving phone number.

OnlineSim Url - domain for phone number retrieval requests.