August 12, 2020

Pie Chart

Transporting goods is a very important thing for a country's economy. We have a pie chart that shows us the quantities of goods transported by different types of transport from 1974 to 2002.

In the beginning, I want to highlight the most popular and less popular modes of transport. The most popular transport type of all time is the road. Between seventy and one hundred goods a year. The opposite one is the pipeline. Between zero and twenty goods a year. We have two more modes of transport, that are water and rail. in 1974 they had an almost similar number of transported goods. Specifically around forty. But after four years transporting by water became much popular than rail. Around sixty for water against thirty for rail.

In conclusion, the road is the most popular way of transporting, even nowadays. It is becoming more frequently used every year. But the pipeline is conversely. It wasn't really popular, but last time, transporting with this mode started to become more useful.