September 22, 2021

Moonbase Alpha Testnet v0.12.3

System Requirements:

CPU : 8 threads
RAM : 16GB
Storage : 50GB SSD
Rent on: Hetzner(free 25$), Vultr(free 100$), DigitalOcean(free 100$)

Installing and running a node

Updating Linux packages

sudo apt update

Installing docker

sudo apt install -y

Create a container and replace "Node_Name" with the name of your node (in two places).

docker stop moonbeam
docker rm moonbeam
docker create --name=moonbeam \
--network="host" -v "/root/moonbeam:/$HOME" \
--restart=always \
purestake/moonbeam:latest \
--base-path=/data \
--chain alphanet \
--name="Node_Name" \
--execution wasm \
--wasm-execution compiled \
— \
--name="Node_Name (Embedded Relay)"

Start Node:

docker start moonbeam

Node data (scroll up to our command "docker logs -f moonbeam")

docker logs -f moonbeam

Looking for a node in telemetry : here

If there are pirs and there is synchronization, it means that the node works correctly.

After that we need to send a start report with the information on the screenshot

Send to reddit marked technical and to discord (Ambassadors tasks --> technical-projects)

Additional commands:

Stop Node:

docker stop moonbeam

Start Node:

docker start moonbeam

If the blocks do not increase, restart the node:

docker restart moonbeam

Remove the container:

docker stop moonbeam && docker container rm moonbeam

View all created containers:

docker ps -a

Official Guide: here
