Tableau’s JavaScript API with example
The Tableau JavaScript API allows you to do several things with Tableau:
- Embed data visualizations from Tableau Server, Tableau Public, and Tableau Online inside of web pages.
- Filter the data inside the visualizations using HTML controls.
- Select marks within the dashboard.
- Respond to events within the dashboard.
- Export the dashboard to various output formats.
In this introductory article, we are aiming to get you up and running within 10 minutes, yes, 10 minutes.
Getting Started
CodePen is an online community for testing and showcasing user-created HTML, CSS and JavaScript code snippets. It functions as an online code editor and open-source learning environment, where developers can create code snippets, creatively named “pens”, and test them.
It was founded in 2012 by full-stack developers Alex Vazquez, Tim Sabat and front-end designer Chris Coyier. Its employees work in a decentralized, remote environment, rarely all meeting together in person.
CodePen is one of the largest communities for web designers and developers to showcase their coding skills, with an estimated 330,000 registered users and 16.9 million monthly visitors.
CodePen is free online service and I personally use codepen for all my quick web snippets. The premium account has additional features, but these premium features are not required for our tutorial.
Creating your First Pen
Once you have created and validated your account, you will now be able to create web snippets online, called Pens, so let us get started by going to Create (top left-hand corner) and selecting Pen. This will open the online editor which consists of:
- HTML Editor – This is where your HTML goes, the structure of your web page.
- CSS Editor – This is where you place your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) code that defines the look-and-feel of your web page.
- JS Editor – This is where you place your JavaScript Code to add functionality to your web page.
- Settings – This opens the settings menu where you can add your external CSS files, JavaScript libraries, define preprocessors and behaviour of your pen.
Note: Do not forget to give your pen a title at the top left-hand corner of the screen. Also remember, that by using a free account your Pens are public so anyone can view them; for snippets this should not be an issue. For more info Tableau Training
Let us set up our external libraries and dependencies:
- Click on Settings.
- Click on CSS.
- In the Add External Stylesheets/Pens search, type in twitter-bootstrap and click on the results to add this library to your pen. As of this article, we added Bootstrap 4.1.3.
Click on JavaScript.
- In the Add External Script/Pens search, type in jQuery and add this to your pen. As of this article, we added jQuery 3.3.1.
- In one of the empty boxes, copy and paste in the following: This will add the Tableau JavaScript library to your pen.
and that is it, we have configured as much as we need to, so we can now start using the Tableau JavaScript API to embed a Tableau Public Dashboard.
Embedding a Tableau Visualisation
Let us start by entering the following into our HTML Editor:
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #a8dba2; ">Europe</button>
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #f5a8a3; ">Middle East</button>
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #afc8e3; ">The Americas</button>
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #d0bde0; ">Oceania</button>
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #ffc898; ">Asia</button>
class="apply_RegionFilter btn"
style="background-color: #cdb2ac; ">Africa</button>
class="selectAll_RegionFilter btn btn-outline">All</button>
Here we are:
- Creating several buttons using the Bootstrap btn class.
- Setting the color of the buttons to match the colors of the data visualisation.
- Creating an empty div with an id of tableauViz.
Now let us add a little custom style by adding the following in our CSS Editor:
.btn {
margin: 5px;
Note the most exciting piece of code, but we are giving our buttons a little margins.
Finally, let us enter the following into our JS Editor:
$( document ).ready(function() {
viz, workbook, activeSheet;
placeholderDiv = document.getElementById("tableauViz");
options = {
width: "100%",
height: "600px",
hideTabs: true,
hideToolbar: true,
onFirstInteractive: function
() {
workbook = viz.getWorkbook();
activeSheet = workbook.getActiveSheet();
viz = new
tableau.Viz(placeholderDiv, url, options);
$(".apply_RegionFilter").click(function() {
$(".selectAll_RegionFilter").click(function() {
Now let us go into this a little:
- The $(document).ready() is from jQuery and executes the code once the document object model (DOM) has been loaded and ready for manipulation.
- The document.getElementById(“tableauViz”) returns the div element within the HTML, we will place our Tableau Visualisation here.
- We set our url variable to point to a Tableau Public Visualisation, this one is used in the official Tableau JavaScript API tutorial, so why not reuse.
- We set our options variable that describes how our visualisation will be rendered.
- We then call new tableau.Viz(placeholderDiv, url, options) which creates the Tableau Visualisation specified in URL, with the specified options, and where the div id is tableauViz.
- The $(“.apply_RegionFilter”).click() sets an action for the buttons with the apply_RegionFilter class. This action takes the text of the button and applies this as a filter on Region.
- The $(“.selectAll_RegionFilter”).click() sets an action for the button with the selectAll_RegionFilter class. This action clears the filter selections.