UVA intensity test
Ultraviolet curing is to use UVA light source to convert low molecular weight into polymer materials. The intensity of the ultraviolet light source is required to be unchanged, but the ultraviolet light source will slowly decay with the use time, so it is necessary to use an ultraviolet intensity detector to monitor whether the light source has attenuation. Shenzhen Linshang Technology Co., Ltd. has 6 instruments for customers to choose for the intensity detection of UVA light source.
UVA is a band often used in curing and exposure industries. Its principle is to use the luminous intensity of ultraviolet light source to initiate chemical polymerization and crosslinking of materials, and quickly convert low molecular weight substances into high molecular weight substances. The most important thing in this process is the intensity of the light source. Since the luminous efficiency of the ultraviolet light source will weaken over time, if the intensity of the light source is low, it will not meet the curing requirements, so you need to use an ultraviolet intensity detector to monitor the light source. In this way, production problems can be discovered and adjusted in time.
Detect the intensity of UVA light source Shenzhen Linshang Technology has the following UV intensity detectors:
1. The host of LS125 UV light intensity meter can be matched with 9 probes with different ranges. There are 5 probes for detecting UVA light source, namely UVA probe, UVA-X1 probe, UVA LED probe, UVA LED-X1 probe, UVA LED-X3 Probe. This instrument has the following advantages:
A. Intelligently identify the probe model.
B. Using advanced digital probe technology, the probe is not susceptible to interference and provides excellent measurement accuracy.
C. Abundant statistical functions, real-time power value, maximum value, minimum value, average value, measurement duration, and energy value are displayed at the same time.
Customers can choose different types of probes according to their own conditions.