May 1

Ответы Quiz: XION Learning Series Part 1  

Quiz: XION Learning Series Part 1 👀

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❓The Quiz answers:

1. What is XION?

• XION is a layer-one blockchain

2. What is Burnt?

• The core development team behind XION

3. What is the primary problem that XION is solving?

• Adoption: Making Web3 accessible to everyone, everywhere

4. What makes XION unique as an L1?

• All of the above

5. True or False: XION is built on battle-tested ....

• True

6. Is XION an interoperable L1?

• Yes, XION is interoperable with 50+ other networks

7. What are some of the ...

• All of the above

8. XION's holistic approach ...

• Abstraction

9. How performant is XION?

• XION has instant finality, and can achieve 10,000+ TPS

10. True or false: Generalized Abstraction is ...

• True

11. What makes Generalized Abstraction ...

• All of the above

12. How is XION's Account Abstraction ...

•All of the above

13. What does it mean for XION ...

It means XION can accept multiple ...

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