May 12, 2020

PEGA Class structure: Layers, Hierarchy, Inheritance

The hierarchy of the PEGA Platform classes is a hierarchy for the storage of rules and data, not for Java variables or methods. Each class may contain properties, activities, data transformations, and many other laws, whether abstract or concrete. In the PEGARULES database it is possible to save only objects in specific classes as permanent or lasting instances.

PEGA class structure Hierarchy

The main base class, defined by the @baseclass keyword, is at the top of the Hierarchy. The relative groups of children are known as the classes of basics. Concrete classes under two of these base classes, Rule- and Data-, contain rules and data instances generated and modified by application developers to design their application.

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Concrete class instances derived from the Assign-Base and Work-Base class (and maybe a few others) keep the complex transaction data and status information while the PEGA Platform application runs.

When any object is kept in memory, it has an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format that is visible as pages and property name-value pairs on your clipboard. The persistent object instance becomes a row in a SQL-based relational database table, when stored in the PEGARULES database. Three data groups, accessible through the types of the Database, Database Table, and Class Category, together define how the XML data is stored and retrieved by PEGA Platform as relational rows.

PEGA PRPC class Class includes the law objects are working by. Define rules which are accessible to other subordinate classes, such as resources, actions, flows, HTML types, etc. Groups are grouped into a hierarchy that inherits the lower classes from the upper classes. A class is an example of an obey-unit law.

Types Of Classes in PEGA Abstract Class in PEGA

An abstract class is a rule (an instance of the Rule-Obj-Class) created to support PRPC rule interpretation. You may inherit these laws to abstract class subclasses.
Any abstract class name in PRPC typically ends with the symbol-' 'for example, the abstract classes in PRPC are Data-.Work-. MyClass- -Whenever we construct a first abstract class it should be @baseclass as its parent class. The parent class would be the first abstract class for second abstract class, and so forth.Unable to instantiate abstract groups.

Concrete Class in PEGA

A non abstract class is a concrete class. Concrete groups with a-' 'do NOT stop. MyClass -Whenever a you generate the first concrete class, its parent class should be 'Work-.' .The parent class will be it's class group for second concrete class.

PEGA class structure Design

PEGA class structure Design is an integral part of any PEGA device. From the beginning of your project, developing a scalable, extensible business PEGA class structure will help prevent expensive re-factoring. The layout of the enterprise class allows PRPC applications to co-exist with each other and frameworks designed with client or PEGA.
The composition of the business class is also the basis for company reuse. Reuse of assets is vital to BPM's long-term success within the enterprise and therefore, the reusability criteria guide the class hierarchy design selection.
PEGA class structure Inheritance

There are two inheritance types:

Pattern inheritance:

This is an optional function that we can set up in the rule-obj-class for a class, influencing the first steps in the rule resolution algorithm. Often you can call this approach "dual" inheritance.
During rule resolution, pattern inheritance causes a class to inherit rules from classes which match a class name prefix first.

Directed inheritance
Allows one to name a class of parents, selecting a name not related to the name of this class.

PEGA class structure Layer Hierarchy:

Layer definition:

There are different layers in the PEGA class structure hierarchy. These are as follows.

PRPC Base Product Layer:

PRPC Base Product Layer consists of PEGA-4 RuleSets with their Classes & Regulations. Installed as part of the installation of the PRPC platform, this layer includes all the rules needed for processing workflows and other Process Commander areas.
While locking the PEGA-4 RuleSets, rules that apply to many of the PEGA classes (Work-, Embed-, Data-, @baseclass, etc.) can be specified in the RuleSets application to enable enterprise-wide reuse.

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Organizational layers of enterprise reuse and division reuse:
The organizational layers of enterprise reuse and division reuse are where extensions to the classes of job and data reside.

This may include specific business logic such as standard properties, flows, decision tables, templates, SLA rules, etc. Beside data classes such as generated connector request or response PEGA class structures and other extensions.
The classes in the Divisional Reuse layer are inherited from their counterparts in the Enterprise Reuse layer; the classes in the Enterprise Reuse layer are inherited directly from the classes Work- and Results..

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Framework Layer:

The Framework Layer for a given application stores specific rules / processes / components. A customer-built framework (CBF) serves as the basis for N number of enterprise-wide deployments.

One CBF has to be able to stand alone. The layer therefore includes all the rules required to enforce its functionality. Although a class group and its mapping to a database table for testing purposes will occur, the actual mapping of the code to the database table for output will occur on the Implementation layer.

Organization specific logic, methods, and rules must also be put on the Implementation layer; only default modifications, values, and code constructs have their home in the CBF.
This layer can also be used to expand any functionality of a particular organization present in a PEGA-based system.

In this case, the implementation stage includes one or more specialization levels, and the Structure for the CBF and PEGA solutions. As its guiding parent, the CBF has the PEGA structure.

Implementation layer:

The implementation layer includes the rules required for the implementation of a PEGA-built system or Customer Built Framework (CBF) application. This layer includes all the specialization rules, as well as the application class group(s) of the organization and division structure to which it belongs. The layer also contains flow shells and/or service operations that are used in the System layer to start their generalized counterparts.

It also provides an Enterprise PEGA class structure consisting of a System layer CBF and Application Organizational Groups on the Implementation side.

PEGA class structure and Reusability:

The basis for reuse in the application is a robust PEGA class structure. The PEGA class structure design pattern recommended by PRPC offers versatility in your design and provides a greater level of reuse.

Due to its precedents in the rule resolution algorithm, the PEGA class structure provides the first and most significant reuse layer in PRPC;

The PEGA class structure gives you a hierarchy that allows you to put rules in. -The trick to a good PEGA class structure is that there are enough layers and classes to contain the most basic rates of reuse, but not too many that it becomes difficult to navigate and vague about the purpose.

PEGA class structure Security:

PEGA class structures also help with the implementation of security checks across the organization.

Defining access roll objects which map access roles to certain classes can be achieved. Users who have these positions can then open / modify / delete instances of that specific class.

delegate these roles to those users who wish to be able to access the functionalities identified through those classes.
Now that we have a brief idea about PEGA class structure. Let us move on to the topic inheritance.

I hope you reach a brief idea about PEGA class structure and inheritance in PEGA. You can know more from PEGA online Course.