April 11, 2020

Success in Any Business Requires Doing Well Online

What kind of information is best to include on a business website? The answer to that question is anything that is of value to your customers. That said, it's crucial not to pad your content with repetitious information nor heavy-handed sales pitches. The idea if to be helpful, truthful, and informational in a way that people enjoy. An overly brief website falls short in answering people's need for information about your products and services. On the other hand, one that is too hard sell can be a turn-off and cost you customers and sales. It's about striking the right balance.

Search engines favor websites that are user-friendly and have well-organized information. They also emphasize the experience for users visiting with mobile devices. There is explosive growth in internet use via smartphone, and your site must be easily readable on the phone. Responsive web design means that your site maintains separate versions for desktop computers and mobile devices, and it's now a requirement, not a choice. Typography should be eye-catching and just as easy to read. The goal is to get across your information in a way that's quick and convenient for all site visitors.

If you take orders or book service appointments through your website, the order blank or customer response form must be flawless. No one today has the patience for a slow-loading or cumbersome page. Gone are the days when any business, even famous ones, can afford to frustrate online visitors in any way. Search engines are similar, and as they become artificially intelligent, they can quickly root out sites that are frustrating to use. The key to success is appearing highly in result pages served up to people (your customers) who are running searches. If you make it quick and easy for them, you will do well.