June 9, 2022

How to open discord on PC (by token)

!! ONLY Google Chrome or Opera !!

1 . Download extention Discord Token Login Link for download:  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/discord-token-login/ealjoeebhfijfimofmecjcjcigmadcai

2 . Add to chrome

3 . Accept

4 . Tap here and pin

5 . Open discord.com

6 . Click on «Discord Token Login»

7 . Copy and paste your token. Tap LOGIN

8 . Congratz!

How to chat in two chats at the same time

  1. After you open discord select two chats

2 . Open first chat in first browser window

3 . Open second chat in second browser window

4 . Аfter that move these two windows to the left and right half of the screen

Сongratulations, now you can chat 2x more and work 2x faster

One more thing

For more comfortable communication, click hide the list of members, so you will have more space to work