February 5, 2011

Дневник с Крузенштерна, год 2002-2003. Часть двадцать восьмая.

Vrijdag, 13-ste Juni van 2003 (13.06.2003 Friday) 17.38 I’m starting new dagboekje (дневник - голл.) in a such day, when Kruzer sails in Baltic sea at full speed with nice weather and fresh wind and everything is OK. And what did you think about?
Today’s morning when I was on watch, Sasha came to me and said: “How are you. Ben in Berlin, I love you. Who is Ben?” I said: “What are you talking about? Which Ben?” Sasha: ”Come on, Ben, Ben is already in Berlin! Think, think!” I said: “You got message from Ira, am I right?” I explain to him all charm of Dutch language.* For it he allow me to send message. And Yesterday I gave to Igor diskette with “mailtje”, but he didn’t send it, only today morning. You will read it today evening, denk ik (я думаю - голл.).
I made sure again in bad system of Kruzenshtern. Second navigator Pasha said me today that he told with Kolomenskiy about my situation in spring voyage. Captain said, that I could get money like radio operator because contract and kind of work, but Sedov wanted to grab more money and he said “NO”. And on Kruzenshtern “must be” (I don’t know how to say it in past, but You read it in past) 9 chief sailors (10 $/day) and 4 sailors of first class (9 $/day). But Sedov decided the other way – 4 chief sailors and 9 sailors of first class. And money went to his pocket. It’s funny. And everybody knows about it. A little bit more bad news and enough for today. I asked chief mate about possibility to take one wood support and he said, that Sedov strongly prohibited to touch it. He will take it away on his country-house.** I was so happy to have smsing with You. It is more better than 100 thousands millions kilogram of chocolate (I‘m making joke, because I can’t compare it with something). I wànted to hug Sasha, but a lot of cadets were next to us. I restrained. But my face was smiling.
Now are 19.30 already. I will go on watch soon. But before it I want to send You waves of warmth and love with tenderness and air kisses through the time and space. Fly, fly (fhoooo – I’m blowing to your part)! I Love You, Iratje.

*Ben in Berlin - "я в Берлине" (голл.)**На Крузенштерне замениликофельнагельные планки, и одну из деревянных опор я хотел заделать под торшер, об основание которого наши будущие кошки могли бы точить ногти.

Zaterdag, Viertinste van Juni (14.06.2003 Saturday)

22.47 Goeje avond Koshkatje! Today was good day. And today is one week when we are at sea. It seems longer. But it is not much longer than I will see You. We will arrive in Kiel at 20th of May and will stay there 9 days. I’m looking forward already to give You first special kiss. Oh, when I think about it I start to miss You so much, that it aches me a little in left part of a chest, I sigh deep and close my eyes. I’ve been writing You every day like I’m talking with You and... I can talk about You and think about You without grave consequences, because I know – I just need to wait a while. But now, after good day, I’m sitting in radio room and writing those lines and almost crying because You are so far from me.
I just will write about today. Imagine we are sitting on the deck shoulder to shoulder, looking at sea and I’m talking to You about something. Yesterday was nice evening and I took some pictures in time of my helm watch. And after watch I showed my pictures from spring trip to cadets. In time of evening watches I dressed my warm head because of cold wind. Today I slept at the daytime a little, reed a book, was in a sport room, took a long nice shower, weather was so nice and without wind, therefore ship is drifting, and I’m free. We met ‘Sedov’, which was going with engines in mile from us. Kruzer last 5 days sailed and on the map passed way looks like star. Right now we are drifting next to Sweden island Gotland. I forget to change my bedclothes. I shaved – recently it is big event in my life. I almost finished to translate letters from MauritZ - in the end of letter I found one line about us – endless Russian love – I was glad. If You would be next to me now, I would tell You excited about much more. I will go to look at sea alone. I so much love You Ira.

Zondag, vijftinste van Juni (15.06.2003 Sunday)

11.05 No wind, a lot of sun. I dreamed about You tonight. But I woke up too early and we didn’t have time for sex, just went to bed. You was next to me all night and it was so nice.

Mandaag, zestienste van Juni (16.06.2003 Monday)

20.25 Koshkatje, I’m busy now with cadets, I will write some letter.
22.13 We are sailing between Sweden and Lithuania last six days, it is too close for telephone communication. Now I’m waiting start of work one frequency, which is good for telephone (I hope). But I have enough time to inform You. Kruzer will arrive in Kiel in afternoon of 20th. For one week!
Yesterday we changed time one hour back on my watch. I’m living in one time with You now. It is better for me, I got used to this time in last year.
I’m tired a little bit, because I worked hard yesterday and today, was in sport room, stand two night avrals last night and just finished extra work with punished cadet. I want so that time will be running next three days. Good atmosphere on ship marred one of chief of practice. He changed system of work, watch, studies and, what is most important, system of ‘Parusniy avral’ for cadets. Everybody is against those changes, including sailors and boatsmen. I have a lot of negative about it, but I think – we will burst through everything to the happy future!!!
I will go to sleep now, and tomorrow I will write more detailed and more more.
I miss You more and more with every next day. I love You, You know? Yes, You know I love You :))))))

Diensdag, zeventienste van Juni (17.06.2003 Tuesday)
21.13 Iratje, I will call You in 15 minutes!!! And I have very good news. I asked Chief navigator about free room with shower; he said it is possible, because trainees will occupy this room at 29th.
21.43 I told with You!! First I said Your mobile number, but something was wrong with it, because women from radio center could not call You. I decide to call to Your mother’s home, but my notebook with this number was in my room. I ran more quickly, than wind. But we told so short. I could speak 15 minutes and wanted to ask You something, but after running I forgot all ready words. I addition, I was so excited before conversation with You. I met You already one year ago, we are so close to each other, I love You, and every time I am agitated/excited like boy before first rendezvous. I can’t get accustomed to You. You are ...., I’m so happy that You are! Say ‘Big Thanks’ to Your mother and Father for it. Now after conversation with You, though it was like in war conditions, next three days (less than 72 hours) without You seems downright nonsense/rubbish. In Kiel I will take part in mooring operation next to fore mast and I will go down to berth with protective shield for rates. And we will touch each other earlier than before. Oh, I’m looking forward/foretasting for it!
Changing of time had a good influence for me. I slept so well last night, though I was falling asleep after midnight (I reed a book in a bed). And what is more – I woke up at 5 and at 6 in sure, that time is about 9. I don’t envy You, if You want to sleep enough in Kiel ;-)))
I got some brown color of my body (or, rather, stomach). And skin from my back is peeling. But for me it is not matter. Image is nothing – You Love Me!!!! I’m screaming it in the sky and sun of sunset is stopping to hear it!
Your Mishkatje
  / ’o’ \
  \  ˘  /

Donderdag, negentienste van Juni (19.06.2003 Thursday)
21.35 That’s all, agonizing suspense is finished. Now every minute approach me to You, and more tangible than even 3 days ago. I worked last days a lot, and till late at night. Igor said ‘You are ‘workinator’ (did You understand it?). Today I understood, that I don’t remember which kind of food I had for dinner.
I got Your message via Sasha’s handy, thank you very much! But I didn’t answer it, sorry, because You know all information and nothing changed. If I had my own handy, I would send something. May be it is good Idea?!
And bad news again. I told You about Sedov, sailors of first class and chief sailors. Yesterday I got to know, that some sailors of first class became chief sailors. I asked chief boatswain about it. Yes, some experienced sailors got ‘chief sailor’, one new sailor didn’t change his rang, and between 3 new sailors (me and two gays from my cabin, who came on ship in last march) chief mate threw lots for one rang of ‘chief sailor’. I was so offended, really. I asked about reasons of such attitude to me. “Because of Your leaving after second voyage, because You worked as radio operator but not as sailor” – was answer. Really, I was so offended, it is very unjust. I didn’t want to work and to take a part in competition, but I compelled myself. And now I can’t think about it without emotions. Sorry, Koshkatje, it is not so interesting to read. But I didn’t talk about it with anybody.
I changed CD to ‘I’m Sam’ for good emotions. Yesterday was “power fantastic competition!”, when everybody must lift up his body by hands only from the deck. Misha Privalov said, that one cadet from his mast has forth place in a world in break-dance and can do it 250 times. In reality this cadet did 190!! times and won first place. For example, I did it 49 times (what a shame!!!). I will repeat it for You. In the upshot Deck Team took a third place (team of fore mast’s cadets won first place!). Some cadets were so strong, and our team didn’t consist three real sportsmen. They were so capricious and didn’t play with us.
Do You remember girl with black hair from mess room of crew members – Julia? She fell down from the gangway and was in bed for days. Nothing serious, just little dislocation and contusions. I didn’t know about it and when had to know, I decided to visit her just to wish recovery, because she is so nice in mess room. I took my last chocolate and can of sugar milk (may be I’m mistaken, but for me it seems – sweet things must help in any case) and went to her room. It was closed. It was closed after the while in my second visit. And third too. People was looking at me with suspicion – Kostja doesn’t eat chocolate, he is walking with it 8-(. In the end I met her in another room and her health was not matter for me – I wanted to give her chocolate, because I said ‘good bye’ to it. And can of sugar milk I used like quieting mixture. So hard stress!!!!:-))))
Today I painted white and black parts of steel ropes, which are supporting fore mast. Now it looks nice without tracks of rust. And after work I climbed up on top of the mithsan(?) mast for continue of changing antennas system. It was dangerous, cold, funny and long. After one hour on mars platform of mithan mast I connected two wires by soldering with radio operator. Blew fresh gale (all day). We built with waterproof cape-tent shelter against wind, because soldering iron can’t warm oneself enough in thee wind. And all process made us laughing. It helped.
Just started new day – day of meeting with You. Tomorrow morning I will shave, took a good shower, dress new uniform and take key from our room. Yuppie!!!! Good day began. I will go to sleep. Good Night, Mijn Lieve Koshkatje! I Love You, I love You very much, I Love You with all my heart, soul and body. Some kisses before sleep – kiss kiss kiss.

Высший класс на вахте на руле и новые кофельнагельные планки (видео 2002 года.).

К этой части будет три Приложения с фотографиями Иры со стоянки в Киле. А пока мои фотографии.Наша поездка в Любек.В этот город мы поехали неслучайно. Любек уникален: пока это единственный североевропейский город, весь исторический центр которого был объявлен ЮНЕСКО частью мирового культурного наследия. Любек часто называют "Венецией севера".

Кошки - моя персональная слабость.

Набережная. На заднем плане - Церковь Святой Марии высотой 125 метров, самое высокое здание в Старом Городе.

Набережная. Справа - 2 шпиля Любекского собора (Lübecker Dom), самого крупного строения религиозного назначения на Балтийском море. Длина собора составляет 130 м и является также рекордной для краснокирпичных церквей.

Ворота Хольстентор (Holstentor) изображены на гербе Любека. В них сейчас находится Музей истории города.

Наша поездка в небольшой городок Плён (Plön) на озера природного парка Holsteinische Schweiz.

Мы арендовали лодку и катались по озеру - Ира гребла а я думал, как жить дальше.

Городской замок 17-го века, к сожалению, закрыт реставрационными лесами.

Вид на одноименное с городком озеро.

Вид с замкового холма на городскую ратушу.

Озеро Plön.

Аллея замкового парка.

"Седов" покидает Киль.

Крузенштерн тоже покидает Киль и берет курс на Вильгельмсхафен. Лев Николаевич Орлов на своем рабочем месте - на баке.

Продолжение - часть двадцать восьмая, приложение 1.