January 6, 2021

Morning Sickness With Twins - Increased Nausea From Multiple Embryos

Women who have multiple fetuses usually experience tougher pregnancies than those with only one, which isn't that surprising. This means that they usually have more fatigue during the early months. The problem of morning sickness twins or not is experienced in approximately 80% of all pregnancies in the United States, and it is usually more pronounced with twins.

Morning sickness usually occurs earlier and lasts longer in a pregnancy with twins. Causes for this condition can be attributed to more taxation on the woman's body as well as a more elevated increase in hormone levels. Movements of the babies are felt earlier by many women with twins, and this probably has some bearing on the nausea.

Estrogen and progesterone level increases are considered the prime causes of nausea because they directly influence the hormones pregnancy with twins dream meaning of the intestines. These usually cease cause a problem by the third month because the levels of these hormones begin to level off or decline. However, there are women who have no nausea early in their pregnancy, but experience a large infusion in the later months.

The hormone cholecystokinin increases digestion efficiency, which in turn makes better metabolic use of food. The downside of this hormone is the side effects that accompany its use. These appear in the form of low blood sugar, dizziness, delayed emptying of the stomach, sleepiness after meals, and, of course, nausea.

If there is an up side to pregnancy nausea, it is that studies indicate high levels of hormone production, which contribute to the sickness, indicate a well-implanted embryo. Indications are that the more sickness a woman has, the more likelihood she will have a healthy birth.

This does not mean, however, that women who do not experience morning sickness are unlikely to have healthy births. Women with no morning sickness have healthy babies all the time.

Women carrying more than one child must be more aware of the warning signs that might signal serious problems. These include:

Lessening of mental keenness
Becoming weak and faint
Dry eyes, mouth, and skin
Persistent vomiting with no signs of improvement
Less urination, but darker urine
Inability to keep anything on the stomach for a 24-hour period

Obviously, vomiting regularly without the ability to retain nutrition is a concern at anytime. A woman's heightened vulnerability during pregnancy makes it crucial that vital signs be monitored continually for her protection and the unborn baby's safety.

Every woman should make a written list of the things that she knows contribute to her nausea. This list should be posted in the home where everyone who lives there or visits may know what he or she shouldn't do to cause undue nausea for the mother-to-be.

If a woman has morning sickness twins or singles, she should first be happy that this is a good indication in some ways, and secondly she should monitor the signs so that nausea does not become so extreme that the baby's life might be threatened.