November 20, 2020

QuickBooks Error H202

What is QuickBooks Error H202 and how to resolve the error?

QuickBooks is an accounting software that is widely used by many small and large organizations for their financial management. It is a flexible software which can be used by anyone easily. Sometimes, customers may face some errors while working on this software. One of the most common errors is QuickBooks Error H202 which occurs when a company file doesn’t communicate with the workstation and the user doesn’t access their company file.

Causes of QuickBooks Error H202 :-

Here, we are providing some causes of QuickBooks error H202 so that customers take the necessary steps to resolve the error. Some of the following causes are:

  • Windows Firewall blocks your QuickBooks communication 
  • Wrong settings or configuration of QuickBooks 
  • Wrong IP Address host in the QuickBooks 
  • Damage software components or inoperative services Unavailable
  • QuickBooks H202 port

Solution of QuickBooks error H202 :-

Now, we are providing some solutions for the QuickBooks error H202 in an appropriate manner so that you can easily resolve your error.

Solution: Analyze the network issues with QuickBooks connection diagnostic tool 

  • First of all download and install the QuickBooks connection diagnostic tool 
  • Now run the QuickBooks Diagnostic tool and scan your company file
  • After that, write the IP address shown in the tool 
  • Enable the all-ports button in the firewall status 
  • Now follow the instructions till the end Now open the company file in which QuickBooks error H202 occurs

In case you are still facing the error, call us at our QuickBooks Phone Number 1-855-756-1077. Our executives will guide you in the best possible manner.