January 2, 2022

User Agreement

Before downloading, copying or using the product, read the following provisions on the use of this software product. By downloading, installing, copying or using this product, referred to as «Mega Script» (hereinafter simply «MS»), you agree to the terms and conditions set out below. MS is not a commodity, but only a form of reward for voluntary donations. However, this does not cancel the following conditions.

The User Agreement on the use of the «Mega Script» script by end users is concluded and executed by: the developers of the MS product (hereinafter referred to as the «Supplier») and you, an individual or legal entity acting as an end user (hereinafter referred to as the «User»). An instance of the MS script can: be stored on any electronic media, be sent by e-mail, downloaded via the Internet, downloaded from the vendor's servers, or obtained from other sources that meet the terms and conditions listed below.

This document is not a purchase contract, but an agreement for the right of use by the end user.

The supplier remains the owner of the script instance, as well as all copies thereof, to which the user is entitled in accordance with this Agreement. Downloading, copying or using this script expresses your agreement with the provisions and norms approved in the Agreement. If you do not agree with any of the provisions of this Agreement, you are obliged to remove this product from your electronic media.

Your use of this script means that you have read this agreement, understood its provisions and agree to accept the obligations described in it.
  1. Software. The software with respect to which this Agreement is concluded includes: (a) a copy of the «Mega Script» file client, (b) Software delivered as object code via the Internet, (c) any manuals and documentation that relate to the script, which includes the following list (but is not limited to it): any description of the script, its specifications, parameter descriptions, usage guides, description of the script interface, operating and installation instructions and any other descriptions of the use of the script («Documentation»), (d) copies of the script; bug fixes in the script code, if any; additions, extensions and improved and new versions of the script, as well as all updates to any parts of it, if any, for which the Supplier grants you the right to use this license. The vendor supplies MS only in the form of executable code.
  2. Sending information to the Supplier and storing it. MS is equipped with the function of sending information to the supplier about attempts to use the script without activating it and the function of recording events in chronological order (Log). In addition, data is sent about the device and platform on which the script was run (hereinafter referred to as «Information»), followed by saving the Information. The information may contain data about the device itself (system configuration), about the operating system, IP address, activity time and type of activity. The Supplier undertakes to use the Information received only for the analysis of User accounts (hereinafter referred to as the «Account»), the introduction of statistics and the conduct of operational technical work and user support, to take the necessary measures to protect their privacy and prevent the Information from reaching third parties. The internal structure, device and product code are trade secrets and confidential information belonging to the developers. By accepting this agreement and including the script function described above, the User agrees to send the Information to the Supplier, and also gives him the necessary permission, regulated by the relevant legal norms, to process them.
  3. Delivery and operation. MS is delivered via e-mail, downloaded via the Internet, from the Supplier's servers or from other sources. The device on which the script is used must not contain software or hardware that can negatively affect its operation. MS is only executable code and has no software capabilities, therefore it requires an MS code executor program, which can be Game Guardian (hereinafter referred to as «GG»), for the use of which the Supplier is not responsible.
  4. List of games and functions. Any game, also the function can be changed, or removed from MS by its Supplier without explanation of the reasons.
  5. User rights restrictions. (a) It is not allowed to copy, distribute, divide into parts or create child versions of MS. (b) It is prohibited to analyze, decompile or disassemble the MS code, as well as to look for ways to obtain the source code of the script in ways contrary to current legislation.
  6. Use of User rights. As a User, you can use MS only for personal purposes at the same time, without causing harm or inconvenience to other Users.
  7. Support. The supplier has the right to provide technical support for the latest version of MS exclusively in the language of the country in which it was produced. The technical support includes only the MS itself and does not include the steps for its installation.
  8. Blocking and deleting the MS account. Any MS User Account may be temporarily suspended, blocked or deleted in case of violation of one of the clauses of this Agreement.
  9. Closing the project. By accepting this Agreement, the User understands that the MS project can be closed at any time without reimbursing the Script Users' expenses.
  10. Providing a guarantee. By acting as a User, you confirm your awareness that MS is delivered on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranty of any type, and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, neither the supplier nor its partners acting as suppliers, nor the copyright holders, provide any direct or implied obligations or guarantees, in particular guarantees of compliance with any purpose, or guarantees that this script does not infringe any patents, copyrights, trademark rights or other rights of third parties. The supplier and its partners do not guarantee that the MS functions will fully meet your requirements, or that the script will work without failures and errors. All responsibility and risk when choosing software to achieve certain results that you need, as well as when installing, using and obtaining the results that you will achieve with this software, lies with you.
  11. Limited warranty. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the supplier, its employees and partners acting as suppliers are not responsible for account blocking in games or on other sites, accounts of various leagues and sites, and do not refund for MS, purchase of new or payment for lost keys, any loss of profit, revenue or sales turnover, or for loss of data, or for the cost of additional spare parts and maintenance, damage to property, harm to health, interruptions in commercial activities, loss of commercial information or other cases of damage, including special, intentional, unintentional, accidental, economic, covered, criminal, direct or indirect, occurred in any other way, regardless of the validity of additional contracts, intentional actions, negligence or other factors that may cause liability, including damage due to the use of MS or the inability to use it, even if the MS supplier or its partner supplying the script has been warned of the possibility of such damage. Since the legislation of some countries and individual laws do not allow to exclude such liability, but allow to limit it, the liability of the supplier, its employees or its partners supplying licenses is limited to the amount paid by you when purchasing the license. Important note for the User. This MS is not fault-tolerant and is not designed to operate in hazardous conditions that require uninterrupted operation. This script is not intended for use in aircraft navigation systems, in nuclear centers or communication systems, in weapons systems, in direct or indirect life support systems, in flight control or in any other activities where an error can lead to death, serious damage or great damage.
  12. Waiver of further obligations. This Agreement does not impose any obligations on the Supplier, except for those set out in this Agreement.
  13. General provisions. If any provision of this Agreement turns out to be invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Agreement. They remain in force in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. This Agreement between you and the Supplier is a single and indivisible Agreement applicable to MS, and completely cancels any previous statements of facts, results of negotiations, obligations, reports or announcements regarding MS.
  14. The date of entry into force and duration of the Agreement. This Agreement comes into force and is valid from the moment of the beginning of the use of the script, acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and confirmation by the Supplier of the correctness of the key. You can terminate the Agreement by permanently deleting, destroying or returning at your own expense the script, all backups (if any) and all additional materials that were received from the Supplier. Your rights as a User are automatically and immediately revoked, without notice from the Supplier, if any of the provisions of this Agreement are violated by you. This Agreement is concluded for the entire period of use. Regardless of the method of termination of the current Agreement, the provisions of articles 2, 8 and 12 remain valid without time limit.
We have developed this project to show the vulnerabilities of games and in no way do we want to harm the game or its related ones. Access to the script is limited by a key that prevents everyone from using the vulnerability. The use of MS functionality outside of training battles, in online modes (Multiplayer) and other cases where it can harm players or the developer company is categorically not welcome and all responsibility rests with the User.