Hair Extensions
March 25, 2021

5 Top Hair Extension looks on Top Celebrities!

From natural color and curls to platinum dye and stick-straight hair, African American celebrities have done just about everything with their hair. The top black celebrity hairstyles have sparked fashion trends over the years. It was always a thing to admire from the back seat but today I will tell you about the hair extensions you can use to get the perfect looks just like them! Let's get started!

1) Ciara Bronde's braid waves!

The gold and lucious waves brings out a perfect celeb look and is super easy to ape. All you need is a pure wavy front lace wig and then just braid up a lil section of it. Tadaa! you are all ready to hit the place with a celeb like feel.

2) Gabriel Union's Relaxed Straight!

Oh My God! She looks like a diva in that relaxed straight hair of hers. The hair are definitely adding to her celeb charm and are major goals for us! To get this look you can simply buy a Ikhanic Straight hair wig into the perfect length that you want and just slay girls!

3) Kat Graham's Organic Curls!

There’s nothing sexier than looking amazing without trying too hard. Kat Graham’s hair is long and full of fun. The highlights are painted in perfectly to brighten her hair color as well as her complexion. Don't just awe on it girls get your set of organic curl clip in hair extensions and rule this look like Kat.

4) Rihanna's Kink Ponytail!

AHH! She looks super hot and kinky in this curled ponytail look. Looks she is just out of an anime movie to rule this world on her fingers. On top of this her black lip color is definitely a show stopper! To get this look all you need is a remix wavy ponytail and killer dressing style as hers.

5) Beyoncé 's Passion Twist

Beyoncé has it all, she has just mastered all of her looks and is definitely an evergreen show stealer! Her passion twist braids are giving us major braid goals and I have already started of with my purchase for this one. All you need is the bundle of water wave braiding hair and braid them up girls! Go get this look now!

Ladies a pro tip for all of you, try and buy the human hair extensions preferably Indian Hair as they are best in quality and texture. My one stop destination for all of my extensions is Indique Hair, they have the best quality, texture and range in a very affordable price so go check them out too!