March 5, 2014

06 March, 2014 UN envoy Robert Serry menaced out of Crimea by group of armed men

UN News Centre

5 March 2014 – The United Nations has confirmed that Senior Advisor Robert Serry is in good shape physically after being threatened today during his visit to Crimea, Ukraine, by armed men who ordered him to leave the region.

“He was met outside the main naval headquarters by a number of unidentified men who were saying that he should leave Crimea and go to the airport,” Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson told reporters in New York, as he briefed via telephone from the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

The Australian

A UN special envoy has cut short his mission in Crimea after being threatened by 10 to 15 armed men and ordered to leave the region, where Ukraine and Russia are locked in a tense standoff.

ABC Net 

The United Nations special envoy to Crimea has been forced to abandon his mission to the tense region after he was threatened by pro-Russian gunmen and later heckled by protesters.

Похоже журналисты ABC Net либо знают больше о “pro-Russian gunmen” , либо здесь что-то иное, с учетом того, что даже UN News Centre очень осторожны с оценкой кто же все таки угрожал Спецпосланнику Генерального Секретаря ООН Роберту Серри.

В любом случае прецедент создан и мировое сообщество может оказаться перед перспективой крупнейшего после Октябрьской Революции в Российской Империи потока беженцев из Украины.Беженские визы- помощь с иммиграцией в Австралию