July 26, 2015

Partner visa makes quarter of total immigrant intake in Australia

Last year, almost 50,000 people — a quarter of the total immigrant intake — got visas as brides, grooms, fiancés and gay partners, an Immigration Department report says. China accounted for 5,366 visas, followed by India (5,175), Britain (4,339), the Philippines (3,331), and Vietnam (2,832).

The intake in 2013-14 was up 3.1 per cent on the previous year and was 45 per cent higher than a decade ago.

From the start of new financial year all partner visa applications cost almost $7000 after the price for people applying offshore was brought into line with those applying from within Australia. This is expected to generate more than $300 million a year for the Department. The higher fees will likely have no impact on processing times for partner visas which are currently at least 12 months.

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