November 23, 2020

Smart Villages

In recent times, we have seen how the notion of smart cities has become trendy. That is, the incorporation of the latest advances in digitalization and information technologies to make life easier for people living in cities: Optimization of parking spaces, improvement in the management of solid urban waste, improvements in lighting and energy consumption, etc. However, all these advances seem to have left the rural areas aside.

This is why more and more people are working on the Smart Village concept. That is to say, to be able to bring the latest technological advances to the rural world so that some of the most serious problems that this rural environment has to face do not seem so difficult. For example, it is well known that mobility in rural areas is a pending subject in many of our villages. With the initiative of smart villages, we are developing mobile platforms and applications that allow people with different mobility needs within the rural world to get in touch. We hope to see many more such solutions in the near future.