Spirit Of Fear
The Winding Path To Courage
Our deadly opponent as we walk this journey to find our place of rest and eternal purpose is FEAR; a harmful subtle force that stands between you and your destiny. Fear is not a mental state of mind or a bad attitude. In fact fear is a spirit and it is not from the Creator. It is sent by the enemy to torment your soul and to bend your human spirit into submission. Fear is after the soundness of your mind, your peace and comfort, your power and love.
Imaginary fears can become real if you believe in them. They can alter the course of your life and in turn change your destiny.
What can you do to overcome fear?
First recognize, that you are not alone and defenseless in this matter!
The Creator has provided a strong tower, a shield, a shelter of protection and defense from your enemy. There is no greater protection afforded you than to live and walk in God’s love knowing the love of God resides in you.
It is in God’s love that you can remain hidden from the enemy.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment, but he/she who fears has not been made perfect in Him. The love of the Creator drives and casts our fear. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5:2, “Walk in love as Christ loves us and gave Himself for us…”
Love is not stagnant.
It is not something we leave behind when we leave home and start each day. Love should walk with us into the kitchen each morning to prepare breakfast for our family. Love should walk with us into our work place. It should walk with us all through the day, especially when we are confronted with difficult situations. It should walk with us wherever we walk to.
A Step Further
We must go beyond our natural capabilities, our surrounding circumstances and especially the lies and accusations of the enemy in order to abide in the love of our Creator. You have been built with a quality of life that far exceeds your expectations but it requires cooperation on your part. Jesus said in John 5:10 that if you obey His instructions and abide in His love, your joy and gladness will be full, complete and to overflowing.
Walking in love with God requires your complete obedience to the word and instructions of God. It requires you spending time with God in the word, seeking His face and His direction for your life. The people, who most enjoy walking in the love of God are those who spend time with God, seeking His direction and following His leading.
God wants you to enjoy your everyday life to the fullest.
(See Ecclesiastes 3:12)
The more time you spend in His presence, the more you will come to realise that He is in full control of everything — even when you do not understand what He is doing. It is in the rest of surrender that you can hear the call for your specific course of action and receive the strategies He has designed for your involvement in accomplishing His purpose in your life.
Starting your day right and ending it right by spending time with God in the morning and last thing at night means you have already taken the first good step of the day, towards walking in love.
These are great times to acknowledge and thank God for His presence with you throughout the day and to seek His help with any unresolved situation or concerns you may have.
Jesus Christ not only redeems us from fear and sin but indwells us by His Holy Spirit, His love, joy, peace and long suffering.
Walking in His love cannot be described in one word. There are uncountable descriptions of Jesus’ love for us, when we choose to follow in His instructions and walk in His love.
Start today, make adjustments in your life that will enable you to spend more valuable time with the Father. Abide in Him and next time instead of giving in to your fears and all the accusations of the enemy, believe in Jesus’ love, affirm it, confess it and walk in it by faith.
© Copyright Renew Magazine, 2020.