March 9, 2020

Fear Of Missing Out

How To Shake FOMO and Start Living Your Best Life

Photo by Chayene Rafaela on Unsplash

You too are a daughter of God. You were created and called according to His purpose. Perhaps today, you felt like Leah, the first wife of Jacob, given in marriage to him by a trick.

Although Leah was the first born by birth and was Rachel’s older sister, Jacob was not interested in her. He worked for seven long years to win the hand of Rachel in marriage but was given Leah. What a shock it was for him!

Leah must have seen the disappointment in Jacob’s eyes when he discovered that Leah was the woman he was tricked into marrying and that Rachel, the woman he spent seven long years longing and working for was not who he married.

Leah may have felt inferior to Rachel and felt unloved by Jacob (See Genesis 29:31), but her Heavenly Father had a purpose for her life. She bore Jacob a daughter and six sons, among her sons are Levi and Judah!

From Levi, descended the priestly tribe, who ministered to God for the entire nation of Israel. From her son Judah came King David and his Royal lineage which included Jesus our Lord and Saviour.

So, it does not matter if you are being rejected today. Those rejecting you have no idea what amazing plans God has in store for you. Make it your business not to get angry, bitter or resentful.

Turn to your Heavenly Father who loves you more than they can imagine.

Walk tall even in the face of rejection and wrap the love of the Father around you with confidence because you are Precious! (Isaiah 43:4)

© Copyright Renew Magazine, 2020.