Work & Finance
June 30, 2020



When many women try flexible working arrangements for the first time they are often surprised to find they never want to return to their full-time work schedules. Flex-time is usually considered by women as an alternative route back into the workplace post-maternity leave, but in this post-Covid-19 society, Flex-time is actually becoming a lifestyle choice for those seeking an altogether better work/life balance. Finding the equilibrium between spending time with your family and having fulfilling work has never been easier for women thanks to the myriad of options available.

When considering any major lifestyle change the best way to begin is to do your own research. Make inquiries from other mothers in your neighborhood–are they stay-at-home moms? Are they part-time workers or business-owners? What kind of child care systems do they have in place and how have their fellow employees reacted to their new status? Bombard them with questions and start weighing the pros and con’s of flex-time working. For additional info try your local library or websites that specialize in family/work issues such as and

If you’re struggling to juggle the responsibilities and demands of work-life with seeing your child take their first step, then flex-time could be your saving grace. Job-share, part-time hours, working from home, or even deciding to step-up and start a small business of your own, are choices that more women are making every day.

Find out how you can make it work by outlining your daily responsibilities, assessing your workload, refocusing your priorities at home, and making tougher calls on your financial decisions. Explore realistic child care options, maybe even a complete change in career, and make a plan that suits both you and your partner. If after you’ve seen the facts, flex-time still feels right for you then be bold and make the first step in taking a chance that will work for you.

For further inspiration read Jacqueline Foley’s ‘Flex-time: A Working Mother’s Guide to Balancing Career & Family’.

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