May 12, 2022

Crypto CV and Portfolio

Savrasova Polina - Head Of Social Media Marketing

Some quotes
The line between attraction marketing and digital marketing is blurred. Basically Everything is becoming digital.
Consumers are always connected. Mobile is everything and anything is media!
Tech matters but it is not everything. It’s still all about people. It’s still about bringing amazing value for consumers. How do we do this? Bringing personalisation and making their life easier!

Invest in innovative ideas!

Digital Marketing is an invention of Satan

And if not figuratively, then this is an activity aimed at satisfying market needs in order to make a profit. Comprehensive work to solve a specific problem from business with the help of social networks.

SMM is not about publishing content, not launching ads, not being popular, not an idea for stories, not being in trend. Everything is much HARDER.

Engagement – This is the main purpose of social media. It is not about how many likes your page has or how many people follow you on Twitter. The key to success is engaging with your audiences and connecting with them.

An SMM specialist draws on the psychology of color, based on an analysis of the target audience, not just using the company's brandbook, when compiling the profile feed and each post. A competent specialist studies the basics of design, infographics, editing, marketing aesthetics, in addition to developing competent speech and succinct copywriting.

A professional in his/her business monitors trends every day and adjusts to the algorithms of a particular network. For example, in Instagram, 4-5 second reels can bring from 2k views and 10 new subscribers at a time. I practice editing videos every day so that I have time to create quality content.

Quality vs Quantity of followers- When it comes to followers, it’s about quality rather than quantity. Smart social media marketers realize that the number of followers is insignificant compared to the comments, engagement and interactions with followers.

*Community Environmental Management is a method for improving the sustainable and equitable governance of natural resources at the local level

Soft Skills:

- I like working in a big team
- I value productivity and results, not only the process of work, and get moral satisfaction from it
-I have a desire to work as part of a team, as well as to maximize their own potential

The tasks of the Head of SMM specialist:

  • Brand and competitor analysis
  • Behavioral analysis of the target audience
  • Development of a promotion strategy
  • Creating Community engagement & development plan
  • Creating a rubricator and content plan
  • Research Interaction
  • Weekly Video-MeetUps with TeamLeads
  • Team Work With Designers & CopyWriters &Influencer Marketing Specialist & Community/Support Managers & Programers
  • Applying Marketing Psychology tactics in comments and chats

At the moment I'm working with the most engaging communication channels for crypto community development: Telegram, Discord, Twitter ( also Instagram, Medium, Tik-Tok and YouTube )

The cost of work per channel of communication and what it consists of:

Full maintenance of already approved communication channels, 5-6 main publications in each communication channel per week

Formation of a rubricator and a content plan and updating these documents every 2 weeks

Development of scripts for commercial videos and selection of materials for editing.

Development of design and writing articles in 4 categories of content: Personal brand, Closing objections, Engaging the audience, Entertainment for the audience

Writing a sprint (reporting) for each week

Cost: 450$ in a month for one channel of communication ( it is 225$ in two weeks)

Why can I be trusted?

-At the moment, I am a second-year student at the Higher School of Economics at the Faculty of Communications. The training program "Advertising and Public Relations"

My average score on a 10-point scale is 8

-I took a course from Setters Education on setting up targeted advertising on Instagram

-I took a course from the Skillbox online university as an SMM specialist and every day I not only get new knowledge, but also put it into practice

-Moreover, I am a student of the Higher School of Economics with a bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations

-I also have experience as SMM specialist for more than 3 years

- Currently:

KPIs (Digital Marketing - my area of responsibility )

Business KPIs: Business KPIs are formed in conjunction with the overall business strategy and they impact the business as a whole. Some examples of business KPIs include indicators of revenue, profit, and level of costs. These KPIs are broad, being not only about an organisation’s marketing activities, but also more generally about organisational goals and objectives.

Marketing KPIs: Marketing KPIs are departmental KPIs, and although they are aligned with the overall business strategy, they are more focused. Examples include sales, customer acquisition, retention rates, and marketing spend.

Digital marketing KPIs: Digital marketing KPIs are specific to the marketing channels being used. For example, if you are using social media, the KPI might be focused on engagement or sharing rates. If the digital marketing revolves around search or display advertising, the KPIs might be focused on indicators like cost per acquisition and cost per click. Digital marketing KPIs contain detailed metrics and have a narrow focus.

Community Development Plan:

Many of the projects I undertake have very low engagement.

This can be checked by the indicator Engagement Rate by Reach (ERR)= (Total Reactions/Reach) * 100%

A good engagement indicator starts from 10%
That is, the number of reactions to a post with about 3800 views should reach about 380.

The first thing we will focus on is working with engagement. That is, with those live subscribers who are already subscribed to the channel. We need to interact more with the audience, to interest them more.

Create regulated chats in Native Language and English in Discord, where the community will be able to communicate with each other. And also in these chats, I, as a community manager, will be able to support participants, answer technical and general questions about the project. This way more trust will appear and the reputation of the project will be consolidated in a positive way. And, accordingly, engagement will increase.

We will drive traffic from Discord to Telegram via Invitations, and vice versa. To increase activity.

It is also worth developing Twitter - this is the first thing foreign users look at when analysing the project. The number of subscribers and the ratio of comments, retweets and likes.

What else can I do in Telegram?

Viral products:

- A smart themed bot. (List of frequently asked questions, all project links, Technical support, etc.)
- Exclusive 20 Stickers with CryptoSlang (also for Discord)

*Create a Tik-Tok channel. (Difficulties may arise, since Russian accounts are currently blocked by the rules of this social network. But there are always workarounds. You will need Kazakh numbers to register a new account)

What for?

There is organic traffic there, unlike Telegram.
In Tik-Tok we can talk about what content we post in telegram and immediately insert a link to the channel.

How else to attract traffic?

NFT (or another product) giveaways on Twitter Platform

Example on NFT:
NFT airdrop is a free NFT that can be obtained by doing a certain list of actions.
There will be several winners (3, for example, who will receive 3 NFT for free)

What do you need to do to participate in airdrop?
be subscribed to all communication channels (twitter, telegram, discord)
👉🏻 like and retweet the pinned post and mark 3 friends under it, who would also like to participate
👉🏻 send a retweeted tweet to the telegram bot and the number of your warm wallet
then 3 winners are randomly selected
If you win, the bot will send an NFT to your wallet

*WE need a programmer who can create a bot that interacts with the audience
OR there are bots that create bots. I can prepare it by myself.

Research Interaction:

Games can be used to provide high motivation to participate in various fields of activity

The problem of the low level of involvement of participants in online marketing research has had a significant impact on the processes in this industry and its further development. To solve it, gamification began to be introduced into online surveys

Gamified surveys can also be created using Telegram bots or other convenient platforms

It is clear that Telegram polls take about 2 seconds. But if you need something more thoughtful and lengthy: the above method is an excellent motivation and variety.

Work experience:

One of my latest projects:

Creating 5 communication channels for Coinfield Coin Exchange from scratch.

CoinField is a fully regulated European based cryptocurrency exchange operating in 187 countries from all corners of the globe. - this is the site of the CFC - my monthly progress report

One of the other projects (Finance Ecosystem & NFT & Play to Eearn) I've been working on:

Slavi Finance -

Slavi Wallet is the first cross-chain DeFi mobile App with over 30 integrated blockchains, NFT marketplace, cold wallet, built-in DEX (swap), high-profit platform for Farming & Staking and crypto asset management. - progress reports

The main advantage - own project, which in the future you, too, may be interested:
"Depressed Ego" NFT & Play To Earn Project (I can only give references to it personally, since the project is under development and all ideas are confidential)

My social media presence:




Contact me:

Telegram: @ROC_PS

Mail: [email protected]